Accessories Supplies
Nintendo Wii U 32GB Mario Kart 8 (Pre-Installed) Deluxe Set
Nintendo Wii U 32GB Mario Kart 8 (Pre-Installed) Deluxe Set
- What’s in the Box?
- Wii U Hardware (32 GB Internal Storage), Wii U Game Pad, Game Pad Stylus, Sensor Bar, Wii U Console AC Adapter, Wii U GamePad AC adapter, HDMI cable, Wii U Game Pad Stand, Wii U Game Pad Cradle, Wii U Console Stand
- Mario Kart 8 comes pre-installed, no fleshly round needed. Includes a Nintendo eShop download bill for 2 packs of incentive DLC
- 6 newborn characters, 8 newborn vehicles and 16 newborn tracks to download
Wii U is the subverter console from Nintendo, featuring broad definition graphics and the original Wii U GamePad controller. Play enthusiastic games in every newborn ways, exclusive on Wii U!
List Price: $ 299.99
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