- Animated program supported news line: The poem effort follows an example news distinction inspired from the highly expected enlivened program actuation this summer
- Characters and environments: A Brobdingnagian all-new patch of characters, beatific and evil, every matured from the enlivened series; As substantially as sort newborn settings shown in the program as well
- Unique Pac-Man power-ups: Pac module requirement to apply a patron of newborn and unequalled power-ups to kibosh the ghosts and finish the grievous bosses
- All newborn multi contestant and labyrinth modes: Re-imagined labyrinth fashion features that module earmark you and up to 3 friends to endeavor cooperatively or competitively
- Playable vehicles: After aggregation sufficiency incentive pick-ups, the contestant unlocks arcade-style mini-games in which he gets to intend and control vehicles same the Cherry Copter and Pineapple cell that materialize in the cartoon
Pac is backwards in an every newborn undergo for a full newborn procreation of fans. Pac Man and the Ghostly Adventures mettlesome has an example news that is inspired by the exhibit as substantially as every the magical characters from the highly expected Pac Man and the Ghostly Adventures enlivened program created and produced by Avi Arad, acclaimed administrator and originator of Marvel Studios. The news begins as the menacing ghosts carelessness from the alarming Netherworld to assail PacWorld. These frightening ghosts, ghouls, and goblins wreak disturbance on the accumulation and drive null but pain wherever they go. Pac and his pals uprise to the contest of protecting their bag and start on an poem battle. Pac and his 2 prizewinning friends, Spiral and Cylindria, uprise to the challenge
List Price: $ 19.99
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November 18, 2014 at 2:27 pm
I love it.,
Thought it’d just be a goofy game like the T.V. show.
Found out I like it a lot more than the new cartoon. The play style is just like the ORIGINAL PS1 Spyro Games (the Insomniac Trilogy, you know, before Universal took it away from Insomniac and the franchise went to crap).
I just love it. If you know what the original Spyro games are like, you know what this game is like.
One major difference graphically – the colors don’t give me a splitting migraine (it’s true, Spyro gives me a terrible headache after I play on it for a while). The colors are nicely diffused but still bright and enjoyable.
Grab this game, young or old, if you are a fan of this type of gameplay.
Edit: Thought I’d give an update – I just beat this game. The ending may be considered lacking by some, but it had me laughing my butt off. If you know the cartoon, you’d enjoy the humor. The bosses are also very easy, that’s alright for me, I enjoyed the game. The game is definitely geared towards kids. My only complaint is the controls for the balloon form are lacking. Thankfully the devs put a ton of save spots all over the place to compensate.
Still 4-5 stars.
JC SD "jeancarleo"
November 18, 2014 at 2:03 pm
Pac-fun for the whole family!,
The graphics are beautiful and the difficulty it’s like that of Mario 64. I love the game and would highly recommend this title to any Pac-man fan. It sure is a welcoming title for younger generations but the whole family would enjoy it.
Elias B. "The Fried Critic"
November 18, 2014 at 2:02 pm
Platformers have never quite been the same since the end of the PS2 era. It’s a genre that has mainly fallen into the hands of various indie developers, who seem to try and reinvent the wheel several times with each passing year. Sure, we’ll get our Marios and Donkey Kongs, but for the most part, platformers have become an increasingly less marketable genre. Heck, even the latest Banjo game had the formerly lovable mascot driving Lego-esque vehicles. As a whole, the market has become incredibly cynical, and not open to games that, well, feel like games, and most of the AAA platformers we do get are stale or outright bad, with the exception of most Nintendo products.
Which brings me to Namco, who has had a very similar struggle to reinvent Pac-Man, its flagship character for over 30 years. You name the genre, there’s been a game with his bright, rounded face on the cover. Yet, with the exception of a string of great 3D platformers about a decade ago, and some wonderfully trippy Championship Edition entries, the old dog has relied mainly on ports and retreads to survive, while his wife has been a permanent fixture in bowling alleys, laundromats, and bars the world over (along with Galaga, of course.)
So it’s fitting then, that these two struggles collide headfirst in “Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures”, an attempt to reboot the character inside of a 3D platformer. The result is a refreshingly uncynical romp that hearkens back to the early 2000’s, when a game didn’t have to do anything more than be a game. Surprisingly, in today’s cutthroat world of people criticizing games for not having enough “emotion”, this carefree formula delivers in spades.
There’s not much here in the way of narrative, but for formality’s sake, here’s the basic set-up. Pac-Man is a student in a futuristic city, which is suddenly set upon by ghosts led by the evil Betrayus. After surviving the initial onslaught of them, however, he discovers that his two best friends have been kidnapped, and that the villain has also taken a volatile device known as the Fridgidigitator. That’s pretty much it, but honestly, you’re not left wanting for much more than that. The dialogue is cute and even charmingly clever at times, like some of the better Saturday morning cartoons out there. But then again, nobody’s necessarily playing a Pac-Man game for the plot.
So that leaves us with what really drives a game in this series, and that is the gameplay itself. And even though I can’t believe the words being typed right now, it must be stated that this game is absolutely wonderful on that front. This is one of the rare modern, 3D platformers that succeeds on almost every conceivable level at being a fun, engaging, and progressively challenging little adventure. The controls are smooth throughout, ensuring that every life lost feels like the fault of the player, and not of faulty development. Movement is incredibly fluid, with Pac-Man himself having jumps that have a satisfying weight yet forgiving float to them, and a brisk running pace that finds that nice balance between a sprint and a jog. Whether they’re outrunning a dragon’s deadly fire blasts in a cavern, or jumping between disappearing platforms above a city, players can count on the tight controls to carry them through their adventures. Impressively, that carries over to the combat, which can be a messy affair in most platformers. Here, though, it’s kept pretty simple, and plays out like a pared-down version of the “Batman” Arkham series’ system of melee combat; Pac-Man’s basic attack is a chomp, which can be chained between each enemy and lead to combos that allow him to activate a special “scare” move. Everything here is simple, but it works exactly how it should, which is more than can be said for a lot of games these days, regardless of the genre.
Namco-Bandai went the extra mile, though, and added in an element that could have either made the game or broken it, and it’s pleasing to say that the former occurred. The power-ups in “Ghostly Adventures” are a sheer delight, and elevate the game to a level that’s head and shoulders above the competition. None of them feel gimmicky or tacky in the slightest, each of them contributing something to the wide variety of worlds. Obstructed by a lava geyser? Freeze it as Ice-Pac, then use it to hop to the next area. Want to bounce between a maze of vertical walls? Turn into Rubber-Pac and bounce away. The other power-ups are just as fun, and allow to do everything from shoot elemental blasts, magnetize yourself to metal surfaces, or turn into the Pac-Man equivalent of a Katamari ball, except with more destruction and less collecting stuff. These are all very charming little abilities, and add an extra layer of depth to the game overall, making it one with more variety than others out there.
Altogether, the game really plays like a dream. Levels are not too long or too short, for the most…
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