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How To Increase Battery Life On All Android Phones For Free NO ROOTING (2011)


I answer some questions that subscribers asked in my last Optimus V video. This is just one or two questions asked. I am uploading more videos that will answer the other questions you guys asked me! so just be patient while they upload!

Today we unbox, test, and review the Google Chrome OS running on unbranded reference hardware known as the cr-48. Takeaways: fast, fast, fast… but slow in some places (web cam, watching videos, certain web pages). Battery exceeds expectations. Rugged (took a 3-ft fall on hardwood floor and barely got a scratch). CAPS LOCK key replaced by a New Tab key is the best innovation to come to the keyboard in, well, EVER. A great first start. Thanks to the Google for sending it out so quickly! I heart you.
Video Rating: 4 / 5


  1. Just get Easy Battery Saver . It’s waaay better . You can custom make what to enable and disable or you could get 1.6 times battery mode . Recommended !!

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  2. holy shit you must live in teh states in canada its like 300 for the and 25 bucks for 150 calling minutes free calling after 9 and on weekends and unlimited text holy shittttt

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  3. If you know someone who would like to be on a (No Longer Offered) AT&T UNLIMITED DATA plan for their Android phone, blackberry, iphone 4, or 4S, (ANY smartphone for AT&T) i actually have the access to get this for them. Please take down my number. I charge a $40 flat fee to get it added to your account. You can Text me 24/7. No times too late or too early.

    Text only please. It is the best way to reach me: My names Jay: 716-771-2545 Thanks & look forward to hearing from you.

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  4. I just got the Virgin Mobile LG Optimus V (my 1st smartphone) from RadioShack.
    $245.91 out the door with 1st month service (the$25 a month plan) included.
    Seems like a real good smartphone. A friend has the iPhone 3GS and while I think she likes aspects of her phone better, she says this one is real nice with aspects she likes better than hers …including a better picture/resolution on mine. Cool!
    Nice informative vid btw, thanks for doing it.

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  5. @XKaiminalX yes, look at the date of the video. I got this near Christmas of 2010. It’s come a long way. Still surprised that people are watching this review, actually, since there have been a couple real production (not beta) Chromebooks produced since this video was made.

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  6. @CainmosniMirrored in truth, the best comparison would have been against netbooks but alas, I don’t have any–I only buy technology I need. I compared it to my Mac because I wanted to show how different the two were, and how they really don’t compare at all. A powerful laptop is more or less similarly equipped to my iMac, and would have served the same purpose.

    In the end, the chromebook price needs to come down to reflect what it is: a mobile web browser with a full-size keyboard and screen.

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  7. @journey994 my internet at home is 6 mbps down and ~ 0.6 mbps up. Strong wireless signal. Wouldn’t buy it at the current price. If it were $99, I’d consider it. It’s just too limited for a student because Google Docs, while great for collaboration, isn’t up to snuff for creating research reports et. al. For note taking and the typical powerpoint dog and pony show it’s fine (it has vga out) but I wouldn’t expect much more out of it than that.

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  8. another side note how strong was your internet connection and speed? Would you suggest buying one as a student for just a in class note taking and essay writing device possibly slide show projects

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  9. I really don’t think the comparison to the iMac was unfair. Google has touted the Chromebook as a faster and better alternative to a fully functional desktop/laptop. That comparison proves that Google is full of shit. You are much better off with a fully functional machine.

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  10. @FuturamaFan1011 can’t run any programs at all except the google chrome web browser. The browser is the OS. To emulate this, just open Chrome on your computer and don’t use anything else (your desktop, other programs, etc.) everything is web-based and inside the browser.

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  11. this vid is great but i think you made one small mistake your comparing a £300 chomebook vs a iMac they both use completely diffrent cpu`s . ram of course the iMac is going to load stuff quicker thats what it was made to do :L

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