Home General Various News EVE Valkyrie Gets NVIDIA VRWorks Ultra Quality Setting

EVE Valkyrie Gets NVIDIA VRWorks Ultra Quality Setting


CCP Games release an Ultra graphics mode for EVE: Valkyrie. The new Ultra mode enhances cockpit lighting, increases the quality of lighting and shadowing and improves the fidelity of reflections and shaders.

EVE: Valkyrie is a multiplayer dogfighting shooter game set in the EVE Online universe that is designed to use virtual reality headsets. It uses NVIDIA’s Lens Matched Shading rendering technique to improve performance and quality enabling GeForce gamers to enjoy Ultra mode at smooth, consistent framerates.

A lighting model developed by NVIDIA and incorporated by CCP for EVE: Valkyrie uses high-quality, physically-based lighting effects from NVIDIA Volumetric Lighting to add immersive, awe-inspiring shafts of bright light (God rays) to many scenes and levels, transforming their appearance.

EVE: Valkyrie also includes a new anti-aliasing technique developed by NVIDIA called Multi-Sample G-Buffer Anti-Aliasing which improves anti-aliasing by further reducing visible aliasing of geometry edges and specular highlights, giving players a superior visual experience.

Ultra mode also enhances cockpit lighting, improving the fidelity of shiny, specular surfaces, increasing the quality of lighting and shadowing in every area and level, improves the fidelity of reflections and shaders, and adds dynamic lights to projectiles.

Together, these enhancements and technologies deliver a more realistic visual experience, closer to what you expect in reality, increasing your immersion and sense of presence. Ultra mode is available in the latest update to EVE: Valkyrie.

VRWorks now supported in Unreal Engine 4.16

NVIDIA released a new VRWorks-enabled branch of Unreal Engine release 4.16 that adds support for NVIDIA VRWorks. With this branch, Unreal developers using the latest release can now easily take advantage of features including Lens Matched Shading (LMS), Single Pass Stereo (SPS), VR SLI,  Multi-res Shading (MRS).

Lens Matched Shading uses NVIDIA Pascal hardware features to improve upon Multi-Res Shading, optimizing rendering and ensuring frame buffer and display pixel rates are matched for optimum performance.

Single Pass Stereo, another Pascal exclusive, reduces geometry bandwidth by close to 50% freeing up precious resources to tackle more complex scenes.

VR SLI lets developers take advantage of multi-GPU systems for peak performance.

The VRWorks 4.16 Graphics branch of UE4 is available to anyone with a UE4 Github subscription.

VRWorks now mainlined in Unity 2017.1

NVIDIA VRWorks, including MRS, SPS, LMS, and VR SLI features, is now publicly available for all developers in Unity 2017.1, which is out now. Unity 2017.1 includes new graphics extensions that enables the VRWorks plugin. The VRWorks plugin is available on the Unity Asset Store.

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