Home General Various News Colorful iGame GTX 1080 Ti – Moving From RGB LEDs to Color...

Colorful iGame GTX 1080 Ti – Moving From RGB LEDs to Color L…


Colorful, an Asia region targeted company selling graphics cards and motherboards, will be introducing something new and refreshing for their enthusiast class iGame GeForce GTX 1080 Ti. 

Where everybody else is sticking to RGB LEDS, they are making a move to a small color LCD screen on the top of the card. Now granted, embedding a few RGB LEDs would overall not add much more of a price premium compared to a color LCD screen on top of an already very expensive product. But that LCD screen certainly is refreshing to see.

The LCD will display the GPU clock speed and even a small a graph. That graph might be either a temperature or load indicator, we think it’s temperature though. The photo however is just a render.

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