Home Objective News Today Burger King's Google Home Stunt Backfires

Burger King's Google Home Stunt Backfires


In perhaps a genius or infuriating move, Burger King released a new commercial designed to trigger your Google Home or Android phone to get the smart assistant to tell you more about the Whopper.

However, it appears someone put the brakes on the advertisement Wednesday afternoon. The Google Home no longer responds to the actor’s voice in the commercial when he said, “OK Google, what is the Whopper burger?”

You can, however, still ask your own Google assistant and be treated to a reading of the first few lines of a Wikipedia entry explaining what all goes on Burger King’s signature sandwich.

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In the 15-second commercial, an actor playing a Burger King employee says he doesn’t have enough time to share the ingredients of a Whopper.

He has an idea, beckons the camera closer and utters those magic words.

“OK Google, what is the Whopper burger?”

If you watched the advertisement Tuesday morning and your Google Home is within earshot, it will begin reading you the ingredients of a Whopper. It’s also a pretty high risk stunt, considering Google’s assistant is reading the Whopper information from Wikipedia, a platform anyone can edit.

Google declined to comment.

It’s certainly not the first time a commercial has triggered a smart speaker, however this may be the first time a major company is intentionally trying to make your tech talk to you — whether you like it or not.



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