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December 5, 2014 at 2:30 pm
Great game..But can use some patches for the online MP,
So I’ve played about 5-6 hours of this game in total. About 5 hours online,and about 1 hour on the campaign. and here is what I think of it so far.
The graphics look great for a wii game. Probably some of the better graphics on wii….not all of the game is pretty,but most of if it looks really nice, you can tell they put time into making this game look good. The gun models are really nice looking,and character models are better than black ops,the blood on-screen effect is great,fire effects are ok,grenade explosions look great. Just as long as you’re not expecting Xbox360 or PS3 graphics,then you will probably not be disappointed. I’ve had fun playing online and the campaign,even if the graphics aren’t like the hd consoles,it still feels epic.
As for the controls, I think they are great. They are basically the same as Black ops. You can choose to use the wii remote and nunchuk, or the classic controller pro. I prefer the wii mote,it feels much faster to me. For anyone trying out cod for the first time on wii,just know that you can adjust the wii remote settings to just about anything,you can choose some of the layouts already pre made or you can customize the buttons to be whatever you’d like. You can also tweak the camera speed and sensitivity
So here is the kinda bad part….Even though the multiplayer is filled with so many good game modes,weapons,etc. The hit detection is… a bit off(read my update at the bottom). If you have played modern warfare reflex,it’s a bit comparable. If you have gotten used to the hit detection from Black Ops wii,this might be a big noticeable difference. Many people have also mentioned this to me too,so it’s not just me who notices the lag. It’s not as bad as MWR,but at times it can be if there is a bad host. and this is from MY experience. not from videos i’ve seen. and i’m on a good connection,so I don’t believe the lag has to do with it…People have remained hopeful though,we have dlc/patch updates coming just like Black Ops did. and things can always turn out better. I know for many people hit detection is a big deal,and it can either convince you to buy or not buy a game,so I thought it’d be important to mention this….
But even with the hit detection the way it is,the game is still fun, and you can tell they really put some time into making it the best experience for wii users…also many of the features that were in Black Ops have returned…. Like the CCP support and the headbanger head set….Hope my review has helped, thanks for reading it 🙂
EDIT: I have more than 24 hours of play time on the multiplayer now. The game has been updated a while back I believe on 11/17/11. The hit detection is MUCH MUCH better. Comparable to black ops. The lag shooting is gone.. So for those who were waiting until the patch was released. It’s finally here.and it has made a big of a difference.
December 5, 2014 at 2:01 pm
Best Call of Duty title on the Wii,
As a fan of the Call of Duty series on the Wii – W@W, MW: Reflex, and Black Ops – I was really going to make this purchase no matter what, so maybe I’m a little biased. I enjoy these games (and first-person shooters in general) on the Wii as opposed to the Xbox 360 because I love the motion controls. Sure, the graphics on the Wii aren’t as attractive, but that doesn’t bother me because the motion controls make for a fun experience.
Now we have MW3. I must say that out of all the CoD games on the Wii, MW3 is hands-down the best one regarding multiplayer. The graphics of this game are noticeably better than those of its predecessors. I haven’t played the Xbox 360 version, so I’m not sure whether some features, such as killstreaks, have been successfully carried over to the Wii. There are several new and interesting killstreaks, though. I can say that the levels are expansive and pretty nice looking at that, and the Wii version finally has emblems and titles. The Wii version, like the Xbox 360, also has the new weapon level-up system in which your weapons are able to gain experience points, thus enabling you to unlock valuable upgrades. It’s a weird concept to level up a gun, but it allows for a deeper level of customization than ever before in a CoD title.
The motion controls work great, and they seem even more responsive in this game than in Black Ops. The same level of customization for controls is still present just as it is in the other CoD titles. Also, the Internet connection is stable, unlike that of Black Ops when it first came out. I’ve experienced almost no lag and no weird bugs or glitches that prevent me from connecting and keeping my connection. Let’s hope it stays that way.
I’m just scratching the surface because I haven’t logged in too many hours yet (stupid job hampering my game time), but keep your eye out as reviews come up. From what I’ve seen so far, I’m impressed. The graphics are great, the controls are smooth, and the level of customization in this game is impressive. If you are a fan of the previous CoD titles or a fan of first-person shooters in general, then don’t miss this title. It’s by far the best CoD for the Wii.
***UPDATE 11/13/11***
After doing a little research and dedicating around 5 hours to the multiplayer aspect of the game, I learned the following information:
– Some of the killstreaks, including the Predator Missile, AC130, and Reaper, are not present in the Wii version of MW3. This is no surprise since they excluded the same ones from Black Ops, as well.
– The same perks are present in the Wii version as in the other versions.
– There are 16 multiplayer levels, and many of them are interesting and colorful with a lot of hiding places and ambushing opportunities. Some of them are HUGE. They seem much larger than the Black Ops maps.
– There is no host migration for the Wii version. I figured this out during a few games when the host left and the game was discontinued (not surprising).
– While I still have not experienced any lag concerns, sometimes there is a connection issue in the beginning of a loading game in which you are waiting to connect and you are sent back to the lobby after waiting a minute or so. Perhaps a host migration issue?
– I found that there is a slight learning curve as far as targeting is concerned. Sometimes it seems as though you should be hitting your opponent, but your shots miss for some reason. The targeting system is much more sensitive than in Black Ops; if you aren’t aiming dead on, then your shots won’t fall. If you’re having trouble, I found that aiming a bit ahead of a moving opponent works (not sure if that was intentional or if it’s lag shooting). It also takes a couple more shots to fall an opponent than in Black Ops, and hip-firing isn’t nearly as effective.