Home IT Hardware Assets Xiaomi to unveil new YI 4K+ action camera & Erida dron…

Xiaomi to unveil new YI 4K+ action camera & Erida dron…


Apart from its “big announcement” at CES 2017, Xiaomi will also be showcasing the YI 4k+ action camera and the YI Erida drone.

The YI 4K+ will be an updated version of the current YI 4K action camera, with added 60FPS mode when capturing videos in 4K resolution. That’s right, the YI 4K+ is going to be the world’s first action camera capable of recording 4K videos at 60 FPS frame rate. Rest of the key features are expected to remain unchanged though, so most YI 4K owners may not find the new YI 4K+ to be a compelling upgrade.

The Yi Erida is definitely the one that is expected to draw more attention from visitors at CES 2017. The drone features a Yi 4K action camera and has a maximum speed of up to 120 kph (75mph). The three-rotor design drone will be able to keep flying for a period of 40 minutes and is claimed to have a battery life of two hours, which is pretty decent.  A gimbal system will ensure that the Yi Erida is able to capture smooth video even flying. Users will not require a remote to control the drone, instead Xiaomi will be offering a mobile app to control the Yi Erida.

More information about both the products will be available after Xiaomi officially unveils them at CES 2017 in Las Vegas next week.

Via: BetaNews

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