Home Technology News Today X.Org Server 1.19.2 Brings Xwayland, Glamor & Prime Impr…

X.Org Server 1.19.2 Brings Xwayland, Glamor & Prime Impr…


Adam Jackson is announcing the release and immediate availability of the second maintenance update to the X.Org Server 1.19 display server stable series for GNU/Linux distributions.

X.Org Server 1.19.2 comes one and a half months after the launch of the first point release and includes a bunch of stability improvements for Xwayland, Glamor, XFree86, Prime, and input support, besides patching a security issue that could brute-force the MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE authentication, namely CVE-2017-2624.

“A collection of stability fixes here across Glamor, Xwayland, input, and Prime support. Also a security fix for CVE-2017-2624, a timing attack which can brute-force MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE authentication,” said Adam Jackson in the mailing list announcement. “Everybody is encouraged to upgrade. Thanks to all who contributed fixes!”

All users should update their system immediately

We always recommend users to keep their Linux-based operating systems up-to-date with the latest software releases, so upgrading to the X.Org Server 1.19 is a great deal in both security and performance of your distribution. Now that X.Org Server 1.19.2 is out and includes more security fixes, we strongly advise all OS vendors to install it for their users.

The full changelog for X.Org Server 1.19.2 is attached below if you’re curious to know what exactly has been changed, and you can download the source tarball right now from our website if you want to compile it yourself for your GNU/Linux distribution, though it is recommended that you install it from the stable software repos of your OS. X.Org Server 1.19.2 should land soon in the Arch Linux repositories (it’s currently in Testing), and it should come soon to other distros too.

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