Home Objective News Today Windows theming app UxStyle can lead to crashes when installling Wi…

Windows theming app UxStyle can lead to crashes when installling Wi…


Theming app UxStyle, which allows users to install 3rd party unsigned themes on Windows, is reportedly causing crashes when installing Windows 10 Creators update.

Softpedia reports that users are complaining of freezes or black screens when installing the software, and also explorer.exe  crashes, which can only be resolved by a full reset.

UxStyle consists of a system service and a kernel driver that are loaded into memory, so it is unsurprising the software can have such a profound effect.

The best solution is uninstalling the software before running the Creators Update, but if it’s too late already Softpedia reports multiple reboots may help, or in extremis resetting your PC to default settings.

UxStyle is not compatible with the Creators Update even after the installation, with the software’s setting page no longer opening. An alternative is  UltraUXThemePatcher, which has been updated to be compatible with the latest version of Microsoft’s desktop OS.

Have any of our readers had issues with the upgrade? Let us know below.



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