Home Technology News Today Windows 10 Anniversary Update Failed to Convince More Users …

Windows 10 Anniversary Update Failed to Convince More Users …


Microsoft rolled out Windows 10 Anniversary Update on August 2 and this was quite an eagerly-anticipated moment for fans of Edge browser, as this new release included support for extensions, as well as a few new extra tweaks.

And while the Anniversary Update brought Edge browser to maturity, it turns out that few users were actually impressed with Microsoft’s improvements, as the market share of the app remained unchanged from the previous month.

Net Applications data for the month of September 2016 shows that Microsoft Edge had a market share of 5.16 percent, the same as in August when the Anniversary Update rollout started – we counted September as the first full month with Anniversary Update available, as the release cycle spanned across August (Microsoft says that all PCs should get AU by November, but the majority of computers have already received it).

Google Chrome keeps growing

On the other hand, the other browsers on the market are doing very well and Google Chrome keeps growing even more with every new month. At this point, Google’s browser is number one with a share of 54.41 percent, followed by Internet Explorer with 25.48 percent, down from 27.38 percent the month before.

The difference between the two is that while Google Chrome keeps growing, Internet Explorer is collapsing, as Microsoft is no longer releasing new features for its browser. The full focus is now on Edge, so IE only gets critical security updates.

Mozilla Firefox continues to be the third browser in the rankings with 9.19 percent market share, followed by Edge, Safari, and Opera.

For the moment, however, Microsoft Edge still doesn’t seem to be considered a worthy replacement for Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, despite the many improvements that Microsoft has implemented in the Anniversary Update. More new features and extensions are projected to release in the coming months, especially given the fact that work on Windows 10 Redstone 2 has already started.

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