Home Objective News Today Wikileaks threatens to release unresolved Microsoft exploits after …

Wikileaks threatens to release unresolved Microsoft exploits after …


Coming after its Vault 7 revelations of American Intelligence agencies exploiting hidden software exploits, Wikileaks has now threatened to release 0-day exploit of Microsoft, Google and Apple if the firms do not fix them within 90 days.

Wikileaks’ Julian Assange said at a press conference that Wikileaks has “decided to work with [tech companies]. to give them some exclusive access to some of the technical details we have, so that files can be pushed out”

While many of the exploits Wikileaks exposed have long since been fixed by Microsoft, Apple and Google in their respective operating systems, Assange has hinted that there may be more documents with more flaws to be leaked in future

Wikileaks’ credibility as an impartial organisation has come into disrepute after allegations by American Intelligent agencies that the firm has become either a witting or unwitting tool of hostile foreign governments – especially as investigations take a harder look at the nature of the Wikileaks info dumps last year and its relationship with the FSB.

It is worth noting that Google once adopted a similar tactic with Microsoft, disclosing  Windows vulnerabilities if they remain unpatched within 90 days.

Regardless of how the actions of either party are perceived, it is still good for users of software by the world’s largest software companies to have their products being as secure as possible.



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