Home IT Info News Today Why Microsoft's Edge browser is missing its edge

Why Microsoft's Edge browser is missing its edge


The introduction of Windows 10 in October 2014 also brought along a new default web browser named Edge. The company has been touting Edge as a replacement for Internet Explorer (IE), which is now into its third decade of service for the company. But user adoption of the new browser isn’t piling up the way the company would probably like.

Windows 10 currently claims a 16 percent desktop share, according to NetMarktShare, while Edge represents only 3.07 percent of desktop browsers. That means that only roughly 1 in 5 Windows 10 users is running Edge to visit websites at present.

What supposedly gives Edge an edge?

If you visit the Microsoft Edge home pages, you’ll get a guided tour and lots of breathless hype explaining why Edge is the fastest, safest, most standards-compliant and coolest browser around.

There’s no question that Edge represents a fresh Microsoft take on web browsing. Likewise, there’s no arguing that it’s a real departure from the IE look and feel. But with IE still running on almost 10 times as many desktops as Edge (30 percent as of July 31), and well behind Google Chrome’s market-leading 50-plus percent, Edge has a long, long way to go to take over the browser world. And, so far, users appear to be unconvinced by Edge’s features, functions, and capabilities — for some very good reasons, as it turns out.

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