Home Objective News Today What To Do if iOS 10 Turns Your iPhone Into a Brick?

What To Do if iOS 10 Turns Your iPhone Into a Brick?


Apple’s iOS 10, a software update CEO Tim Cook has called “the mother of all releases,” is now causing the mother of all headaches for some iPhone users.

Related: Some Users Find Their Devices Bricked After Installing iOS 10

The software update, which packs a bounty of new features, including a smarter Siri and enhanced messaging, apparently “bricked” some users’ iPhones, rendering them useless.

Image: Apple's sign outside its store in Washington, DC.

Image: Apple's sign outside its store in Washington, DC.

Apple’s sign outside its store in Washington, DC. SHAWN THEW / EPA

An Apple representative told NBC News in a statement the company “experienced a brief issue with the software update process, affecting a small number of users during the first hour of availability.”

“The problem was quickly resolved and we apologize to those customers,” the statement said.

What should you do if your iPhone is bricked?

If you were one of the eager people to download iOS 10 this morning and were instead left with a useless iPhone or iPad, there’s a fix.

Apple advises anyone who was impacted by the glitch to connect to iTunes to complete the update or can contact AppleCare for additional support.

Is iOS 10 safe to download?

Apple says the problem has been fixed and iOS 10 is ready to be downloaded by users who have compatible devices. (That’s an iPhone 5 or newer and various iPads.)

Why is it taking so long to download?

When Apple releases a software update of this caliber and on this scale, it’s not uncommon to have to wait your turn in the queue. Before you download, it’s also a good practice to make sure your device is backed up. Then, go to settings, general and software update to begin the upgrade process.

What’s the big deal about iOS 10 anyway?

It’s a radical overhaul of iOS 9 and even if you’re not getting a new iPhone, it sure feels like you just did with the update.

Apple’s virtual assistant, Siri, will now work harder for you by going within most apps. The iMessage experience is being infused with more utility, allowing users to add handwritten messages, play with invisible ink or even take over the entire screen with a note.

The messaging platform was opened up to developers, allowing them to create new experiences for users in iMessages, such as sending a payment to a friend.

Check out more iOS 10 features -.



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