Home IT Hardware Assets Week in tech: $74 Android computers, hardening your smartphone, and Android fragmentation

Week in tech: $74 Android computers, hardening your smartphone, and Android fragmentation


This week readers were really excited about a tiny new Linux box. They also wanted to know how to make their Android smartphones more secure. Also on the Android beat, folks were interested in learning how Android fragmentation is driving developers nuts. It’s your top 10 stories from the IT and Security beats.

  • New $ 74 Android mini computer is slightly larger than a thumb drive
    This little Linux box packs a 1.5GHz ARM CPU and 512MB of RAM.
  • How to harden your smartphone against stalkers—Android edition
    With great power comes great responsibility, so lock up that smartphone.
  • Android fragmentation: one developer encounters 3,997 devices
    Android devs miss out on market share by not casting a wide support net.
  • How much bandwidth does your office really need?
    Quite a lot, if you watch Netflix. But even e-mail may surprise you.
  • Dawn of a new wireless: first 802.11ac router available today
    Buffalo surprisingly beats its competitors to market.
  • Private: some search engines make money by not tracking users
    DuckDuckGo and Ixquick take a tiny bite out of Google.
  • Best Buy’s surprisingly insecure approach to new PC setup
    Somewhere in the march toward “easy,” security got blindsided.
  • Build versus buy: one company’s decision to go it alone
    Do you build your own technology in-house, or buy/license from someone else?
  • Microsoft will remove the bloatware from your PC, for a price
    $ 99 and a trip to a Microsoft Store will get you a clean Windows install.
  • Massive DDoS attack keeps The Pirate Bay offline for over a day
    Angry Anons may be behind the attack.

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