Home Technology News Today Verizon kills the Galaxy Note 7 with last software update

Verizon kills the Galaxy Note 7 with last software update


Samsung announced late last year that it would release a final software update for the Galaxy Note 7 in the United States which will remotely brick the device. It will render the device incapable of charging the battery so the only way users can power it once the battery reaches 0 percent is by connecting it to a wall outlet or external charger.

While all other major carriers were quick to confirm when they will release the final Galaxy Note 7 update, Verizon initially said that it would not work with Samsung on this, but it eventually came around. Verizon is rolling out the final Galaxy Note 7 update today.

Software version MMB29M.N930VVRS3APL2 has been released by Verizon for the Galaxy Note 7. Users will see a notification on the home screen which tells them that they will no longer be able to charge the battery and that the handset will no longer work as a mobile phone once it runs out of charge. Verizon once again reiterates that those who are still holding on to their Galaxy Note 7 should power it down immediately and participate in the refund and exchange program.



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