Home General Various News Update: Watch Dogs 2 Anti Cheat System Blocks RTSS Overlay S…

Update: Watch Dogs 2 Anti Cheat System Blocks RTSS Overlay S…


A couple of users have been asking as to why the RTSS overlay (e.g. statistic overlay software in AfrterBurner) is not working with Watch Dogs 2. Our in-house developer Unwinder today got cracking at it. Watch Dogs uses Anti Cheat software called EasyAntiCheat, which does a bunch of gnarly things even when you are not playing on-line.

We have some good and some bad news. The good news is that that RTSS (the core component of the overlay software) simply can be white-listed by EasyAntiCheat, which apparantly it was in the past. The bad news is that the makers of EasyAntiCheat are not exemplary fast with updating their white-list with new builds and have not done so in the past 2 years. Unwinder figured out the following:

The anticheat system is the reason of missing overlay and it is indeed blocking RTSS, their online FAQ claim that they support RTSS overlay, however their own list of supported overlay versions seem to be very outdated (it lists RTSS 6.2.0 and 6.3.0, newest one is about 2 years old). If their internal whitelist database is as “fresh” as that online FAQ, then they’ll block any unknown RTSS versions (i.e. RTSS 6.4.0 and higher, up to current 6.6.0 beta 2). And BTW, RTSS 6.3.0, which they document as whitelisted, indeed works with Watchdogs 2, I’ve just verified it myself.

So right now the only solutions are:

  • Wait for EAC update whitelisting current versions of modern overlay applications
  • Use outdated RTSS 6.3.0

So until somebody at “EasyAntiCheat” updates the white-list, your only alternative is to install an old build of RTSS. Typically an email from one website does not work to get heard. Hence we’d like to request the support of you guys to email them here: https://www.easyanticheat.net/contact/ and request they white-list the latest builds of RTSS. Please point them to this news-item to get the message across so that tens of thousands of game savvy end-users can enjoy the game with a proper overlay.

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