Home IT Hardware Assets Top Awesome Apps of 2017 That You Should Try

Top Awesome Apps of 2017 That You Should Try


Every year is the year of apps, and with the most beautifully, eye catchy appearance, they are developed to hit the market. The more unique the app offers the advanced features more difficult is to stop us without having a look at it. So, whether you don’t want too much of app on your phone, the eye catchy feature of these awesome apps will insist you to download it once. Here is the list of awesome apps that you might be looking for and now without wasting any time let us begin with the countdown.


I think it is one of the best and most awesome apps embedded with the most advanced features that lack in many of the stock cameras such as perfect zoom, multiple flashes, and many other video recording features. All these qualities of the app indicate that it is a must download one and can hardly leave your smartphone without this app.


Download here ZOOM CAMERA


Do you want a list of all your favorite movies? Do you face trouble while choosing a particular movie? Well, from now you don’t need to be in trouble as I am here with an app which is none other than Cinetrack. The app has the collection of movies and their reviews and thus becomes easier for the people to choose. The app gathers information from various sources such as IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes and more if you are not convinced by the review.


Download here CINETRACK


The name itself is enough to indicate its importance, and we all are aware of this prodigy app. The name itself means that it acts as a doctor for a battery and do whatever praise is low for this app. With its powerful game booster, it gives you a real gaming experience with a smooth swinging of the bat to the clear hitting of the bullets in the target. So, download this app and give your phone a better companion.


Download here BATTERY DOCTOR


Well, you might feel hungry even after having your dinner, so what will you do? All the restaurants will be closed, and you will find yourself in the state of dilemma. So download the Zomato app and give your watery mouth a fire of the spicy dishes. Well, this app is known for its order when all the restaurants are closed, and you are still hungry.


Download here ZOMATO


Are you in need of instant news reading app? Do you forget to read your newspaper due to the busy schedule of your chore? Do you want your news to be in short and informative manner? Well, all your wishes would be fulfilled by downloading one and only one this marvelous app. It provides the news in a much more efficient and advanced manner such that it does not look like other news apps which are simply writing and writing with worrying about their hands. So, download this app and prove yourself an advanced news reader. Read Short news instantly from their official website.


Download their app for short news

You’re Reading: Top Awesome Apps 2017.


Imagine yourself working in your office, and the sky is looking bright as the shine of a jewel, and suddenly the enemy black cloud attacks them. Well, this unwanted situation would be unwelcomed for you, and you will begin to think of an app that will update you with such worst condition. Now forget to think about this type of an app as Dark Sky app is now available on Play Store from where you can easily download and can enjoy a good fight with your enemy. This app previously updates you with the upcoming rain or the storm and can also tell you the time of their disappearance. Isn’t it interesting and cool? So go to Google Play Store and download this awesome app.


Download here  DARK SKY


There are many apps that run in the background without your knowledge. These apps have an adverse effect on your phone, especially on the battery. They decrease the battery life and can slow down your mobile. Greenify prevents these types of problems by freezing the app which has excessive consumption of memory and battery and automatically defrosts it when you are in need of it. So, go on with this app and make the way smooth full of greenery for your phone and battery. Have a test.


Download here GREENIFY


Are you fed up with the juggling social apps and want to try something new. Well, this app would be like your dream coming true. This app is not only a messaging app but also allow you to win some of the revenue back along with a range of exciting and thrilling prizes. So, download this app and try something new and I can bet that this app will win your heart.



You might always laugh at your foolish things done during your childhood. You might laugh at the fightings with your friends in the game when you saw them cheating or at the childish hair cuts in your favorite barber shop. Now bring back your sweet memories with this app and let you again enjoy your days of past. So, download the app and enjoy it.


Download here TIMEHOP 

Well; these were some of the awesome apps that you should try. Have any suggestion(s)? Do let us know via the comments section.

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