Home IT Hardware Assets Top 10 MIUI Themes For Xiaomi Smartphones!

Top 10 MIUI Themes For Xiaomi Smartphones!


Every Xiaomi lover knows what MIUI is capable of. It’s fast, stable, elegant and the simplest Android UI featured on this planet. Plus, it’s the most famous modern UI in the Eastern Land. Moreover, MIUI is also highly customizable. There are hundreds of themes for MIUI users to try but here on XiaomiToday we only enlight you about the prime ones. Among these hundreds of themes, we have selected the Top 10 MIUI Themes for Xiaomi Smartphones and the users to relish.

Each of the mentioned themes is entirely different from the others. Without further wasting your precious time, let the countdown began:

10) Cruel

Top 10 MIUI Themes

Do you love the nightlife and those dazzling city lights noticeable from a distant? Well, it looks like this theme perfectly suits you. Although the icons are not that much attractive, still they are easily recognizable. Apart from the wallpaper, the notification bar also highlights Cruel with some incredible customization.

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9) Gold UI Elite

Top 10 MIUI ThemesTop 10 MIUI Themes

The recommended theme for those out there who love gold. Gold UI Elite comprises of only one color which is gold. The icons are also filled with light and dark golden contrast to provide a reflecting look like the golden color always does. Besides, the theme utterly matches any phone which color is golden. We can say only one three words: Gold, Gold, and Gold.

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8) Old Style

Top 10 MIUI ThemesTop 10 MIUI Themes

Any 90’s enthusiast? Well, if you’re, this theme will probably remind you of the previous century when there were no smartphones, no tech. Like the name suggests, everything here is old school. See the icons (old camera, music as gramophone), even the solid color wallpaper; all is vintage here.

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7) Star Wars

Top 10 MIUI ThemesTop 10 MIUI Themes

Probably, the best sci-fi movie ever made, so how could MIUI will not have Star Wars based theme for the fans. We can witness the famous star spaceship on the lock screen and the portrait of Darth Vader on the music player present at the notification bar. Even the black and white contrast on the icons represents that the theme is purely star wars.

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6) Tempedele

Top 10 MIUI ThemesTop 10 MIUI Themes

Tempedele by deuge7746 is a theme enriched with animated characters like the mickey mouse and the iron man. It’s an absolute theme recommend for children and the cartoons lover. It lets the inner child inside you come out. Just the youtube icon is a little bit weird and looks like something else. Hmmm! You know what I mean, still, kids will not recognize it. I hope so!

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5) Stunning

Top 10 MIUI ThemesTop 10 MIUI Themes

From the name, the theme is stunning. We get to see a lot of colors and contrast variations along some abstractness. The icons and the notification bar are amazingly soft. With this set as your theme, you will just say “simply stunning.”

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4) Flat

Top 10 MIUI ThemesTop 10 MIUI Themes

In this list of top 10 MIUI Themes, Flat holds the fourth place due to its simplicity. In fact, it’s the naive theme for Xiaomi smartphones. We can easily find the icon we want to select without wasting any time in finding it. Even the toggle buttons are flat like the name. If you love simplicity, you will cherish.

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3) Plet Epriwer Special

Top 10 MIUI ThemesTop 10 MIUI Themes

I know it’s a weird and a sophisticated name as a theme given by Rizaldi. Like a famous person said ‘don’t judge the book by its cover.’ This theme is far more beautiful and extraordinary than its name. There’s a reason that we ranked it as no.3 in Top 10 MIUI Themes. The reason is that this theme reminds you of a dream, destiny, a fantasy when you unlock your phone. The lock screen reminds you of these things. Even we observe a great variety of icons and toggle buttons each solely distinct from the other.

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2) Trondol Purple

Top 10 MIUI ThemesTop 10 MIUI Themes

Is very theme is an all-rounder in elegance, variety, simplicity. The most prominent aspect of this theme is the clock and day widget, and the tiger lock screen. It’s the only theme in the list which has a separate background color both for the notification bar (dark purple) and the dial pad (light purple) – a must have for people who prefer purple over all colors.

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Top 10 MIUI ThemesTop 10 MIUI Themes

Surprisingly, this theme and the previous theme are created by the same designer named ‘Fajerij,’ A.H.D theme tops the list of Top 10 MIUI Themes because of its uniqueness. It’s probably the most elegant MIUI theme in the world. We can witness detailed icons and the wonderous wallpaper. We preferred A.H.D over Trondol Purple because of the vintage and captivating widget on the lock screen. Thus, looking at this theme, we can finally say that it’s the best free MIUI Theme we can ever get for our Xiaomi Smartphone.

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Hope you loved our list of Top 10 MIUI Themes for Xiaomi Smartphones. What’s your favorite theme? Comment!

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