Home Objective News Today Third Debate Memes That Lit Up Social Media

Third Debate Memes That Lit Up Social Media


“Bad Hombres,” “Nasty Woman” and puppets galore — Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton faced off Wednesday in their third and final debate before the 2016 election, and the internet went nuts. Here are some of the best debate-inspired memes.

Bad Hombres

Trump, who began his presidential campaign last year by referring to Mexicans as “rapists,” used another jaw-dropping term in defense of his tough stance on immigration Wednesday night.

“We have some bad hombres -, and we’re going to get them out,” Trump said.

Naturally, Twitter users had some fun with what exactly “bad hombres” could mean.

Nasty Woman

Clinton took a shot at Trump’s admitted practice of avoiding taxes, which prompted the GOP nominee to launch a favorite line of attack.

“Such a nasty woman,” Trump interjected as Clinton was talking.

Again, Twitter lit up.


Clinton went after Trump’s professed admiration for Russian President Vladimir Putin, whose government has been accused of attempting to interfere in the 2016 election, suggesting her opponent would be “a puppet” of Moscow. That prompted one of the most meme-able comebacks in presidential debate history.

“You’re the puppet,” Trump replied.



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