Home Technology News Today The Road to Vivaldi 1.6 Web Browser Continues with Page Titl…

The Road to Vivaldi 1.6 Web Browser Continues with Page Titl…


Vivaldi’s Ruarí Ødegaard today informs Softpedia about the availability of a new development snapshot towards the Vivaldi 1.6 web browser, versioned 1.6.687.3.

Rebased on the open-source Chromium 55.0.2883.76 web browser, Vivaldi Snapshot 1.6.687.3 is here a week after the first development release, Vivaldi Snapshot 1.6.682.3, to introduce two exciting new features, but also to fix many of the issues and annoyances reported by users since the previous snapshot.

The exciting new Vivaldi 1.6 feature we’d like to tell you about in this article is called page title tab notifications. If you didn’t already guess, we suggest you take a look at the attached screenshot on the right to see it in action. When enabled, will display a notification count for your social media pinned tabs, including Twitter and Facebook.

“Many of you may have observed that many social media and messaging sites update the start of their page titles with numbers to indicate notifications. It’s a great trick, unless you have pinned tabs or so many tabs that the title does not show at all. In addition, even with big tabs, these numbers do not always stand out,” explained Ruarí Ødegaard, Linux QA and Testing at Vivaldi.

The feature can be enabled under Settings -> Tabs -> Tab Display -> Display Page Title Notifications. For now, the notification counter’s higher number displayed will be 9, and a “+” sign will be attached if there are more notifications pending. However, if you hover a tab with the mouse cursor, you’ll be able to view the full number.

New shortcut lets Vivaldi users cut a URL

Another exciting Vivaldi 1.6 feature is the implementation of a new shortcut that lets you much easily cut the end of a URL in case you’d like to navigate upwards in a directory structure of a website. All you have to do is to hold the Ctrl key on your keyboard and click on a word within the URL in the address bar.

That being said, below we’ve attached the full changelog of Vivaldi Snapshot 1.6.687.3 in case you’re curious to know what exactly has been changed. In the meantime, we invite you to download the latest Vivaldi binaries for GNU/Linux, macOS, and Microsoft Windows operating systems right now from our website.

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