Home Technology News Today The Internet Is Already Making Fun of the iPhone 7

The Internet Is Already Making Fun of the iPhone 7


The iPhone 7 was launched only a few hours ago, and it was only a matter of time until people started to make fun of the new model, no matter if they’re Android, Windows Phone, or even Apple users.

There’s no doubt that Apple’s making some controversial changes on this model, which have clearly left room for so many jokes, and the removal of the headphone jack is by far the best example.

A couple of weeks ago, when discussing iPhone 7 pricing, we told you selling a kidney might be the only way to buy the new model, and it appears that we were actually right. The top model costs around $1,000, and we’re not the only ones suggesting the kidney thing.

Then, it’s the new wireless headphone design. We can’t even imagine being seen using them, and in case you don’t know what we’re talking about, here’s what we mean:

And it’s that Lightning port that’s causing problems for iPhone 7 users. Without a headphone jack, they must choose between charging and listening to music because, nope, they can’t do both at the same time. So iPhone users be like:

First world problems

First world problems

Of course, when looking at the price of the AirPods and the fact that Apple is basically forcing everyone to buy them because otherwise using the Lightning connector is a nightmare, this meme kind of makes sense.

Apple meeting before the launch of the iPhone 7

Apple meeting before the launch of the iPhone 7

But it didn’t matter. Because Apple’s executives already knew how the iPhone 7 unveiling would go, even without a headphone jack.

The typical Apple iPhone press conference

The typical Apple iPhone press conference

There are users, on the other hand, who decided to build their own AirPods and avoid paying so much for Apple’s version. Because you know, it doesn’t matter as long as it has the Apple logo on it.

Home-made Apple AirPods

Home-made Apple AirPods

And speaking of the headphone jack. If you’re on the iPhone 6/6s and want to get an iPhone 7 without spending a thousand dollars on it, the Apple Plugs certainly come in handy. And they’re super light and make you feel like you have an iPhone 7 because there’s no headphone jack anymore.

How to convert an iPhone 6 to iPhone 7

How to convert an iPhone 6 to iPhone 7

The removal of the headphone jack gives Android devices an unexpected advantage in the race for more users…

Apple says that removing the audio port is just a sample of courage because, sooner or later, somebody had to do it. And Apple Courage shows us what courage actually means for Apple. Here’s a sample.

Courage gone wrong

Courage gone wrong

And then, the fun moves to Twitter:

Of course, Apple says its new wireless headphones are ideal for outdoor activities such as running, and this perfectly makes sense because you no longer have to find a way through all the wires. But…

Running with Apple's AirPods? Not so fast

Running with Apple’s AirPods? Not so fast

And in the end, here’s a video that shows us how the future is going to look for Apple and its iPhone. Any bets on what they’re removing next?

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