Home Objective News Today Tech Tips to Guide You Through Election Day

Tech Tips to Guide You Through Election Day


It’s been one of the most unusual election cycles in modern history but, thankfully, there are some tech-ed out ways to make sure you’re up to speed and — gasp — can maybe even have a little fun with this election.



A sign indicates an early voting polling place at the Potomac Community Recreation Center on October 28, 2016 in Potomac, Maryland. BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI / AFP – Getty Images

Related: Politics Fatigue? How to Survive the Election on Social Media

Here’s a look at some of the unique ways Silicon Valley is helping America’s nearly 220 million voters navigate their way to Election Day.

It’s Not Too Late to Learn About the Issues

Sean Parker, the guy who gave the world Napster and was the early president of Facebook, launched a social voting network called “Brigade” last year. For Election 2016, the app includes a comprehensive social ballot covering 13,000+ federal and state races and ballot propositions.

After downloading the app for iOS or Android, you can learn about the races, get recommendations on how you may want to vote, based on who’s leading and social connections, and finally, you can also recruit friends to pledge to vote a certain way.

Image: Brigade

Image: Brigade

A screenshot of the “Brigade” app, a social ballot guide for U.S. voters. Brigade

Need some more guidance? Project Vote Smart, a group identifying as non-partisan non-profit, offers a sweet “Political Galaxy” tool that lets you search for a federal politician. You can then sift through a number of categories to see what they’ve said about hot button issues, such as the environment, economy and gun control.

Who’s More Scandalous?

Whether it’s Hillary’s emails or Trump’s lewd comments, both candidates have had their share of scandal this election.

Which generated the most buzz? Mediametric is breaking it down by the number of articles written about each scandal, citations, and Facebook likes. The data may surprise you.

Need to Find Your Polling Place?

Just Google the word “vote.” Type in your address and Google will let you know where your designated polling place is located.

The search giant includes a number of other helpful tidbits, including what you need to know about voter ID laws in your state, and a sneak peek at the federal races that will be on your ballot.

Twitter will also let users direct message its @Gov account to get information, such as a map to their designated polling place, information on candidates and initiatives, and general resources on electoral rules to help make sense of what’s certain to be a crazy night.

Want to Build a Ballot Cheat Sheet?

Facebook is offering a preview of your ballot from the presidential ticket all the way down to local races and propositions. You can check it out -.

If time is at a premium for you on Election Day, it’s worth filling out your choices on a cheat sheet, which Facebook will then email to you. That way, when you’re in the voting booth, all you need to do is consult your personal guide to help expedite the process.

How About a Ride to the Polls?

Sometimes getting there is half the battle. The local office for your candidate of choice may be arranging carpools to the polls, but you can also check out a few other resources.

Carpool2Vote is an app for iOS and Android that matches drivers who have room in their car and passengers who are looking for a ride to the polls.

An added safety measure lets the driver show a special barcode to their passenger, who can scan it with their smartphone to get confirmation they’re getting into the right vehicle.

Need Some Real-Time Info?

If you’re multi-tasking and want some specific information, NBC has paired with Amazon’s Alexa, the artificially intelligent assistant “inside” the speaker, for real-time updates.

Alexa can tell you everything from who is winning the election, which states Hillary Clinton is projected to win and even how many votes Donald Trump got in Arizona.

The artificially intelligent assistant can also keep you updated on the down ballot races. Just ask, “Alexa, what are the election results for [district name]?”

Related: Aaaaand Cue More Facebook Eye-Rolling: Now You Can Add Your Candidate to Your Profile

What Happened When People Swiped for Candidates on Tinder

Bet you never thought Donald Trump could potentially be one of your Tinder matches.

The dating app launched a temporary “Swipe the Vote” initiative last week, allowing users to swipe on the issues that matter most to them.

After enough swiping, Tinder let users choose their favored candidate and then showed the candidate who most aligns with your values.

Tinder said 57 percent of its users in the United States, many of whom are millennials, matched with Hillary Clinton on issues including immigration, gun control and free college tuition. Meanwhile, 43 percent were aligned with Donald Trump.

There was a disconnect, however, when users reported who they supported. Clinton earned 53 percent of the vote, while 47 percent of users pledged their allegiance to The Donald.

Outside of the United States, Clinton was heavily favored, with 73 percent of swipers saying they’d vote for her if they could, while Trump collected 27 percent of the foreign vote.

Image: Swipe the Vote

Image: Swipe the Vote

“Swipe the…



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