Google’s big Pixel event has come and gone. Facebook’s Oculus event likewise dropped, made some waves and then finished. Technology announcements are coming thick and fast these days. However, because of the nature of leaks, and just the narrowing gap of what can be innovative, these announcements aren’t so surprising anymore. Remember the jack-less iPhone? Everyone who was interested in the report already expected that. What if we had some truly huge announcements? Here are just a few that would drive the Internet insane.
1. Long-life Smartphone
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Smartphones rule our lives. We work, play, listen to these devices every single day. Some of us even shun everyday human interactions, preferring to be glued to our phones. It’s frustrating then that for the last six years the best battery technology has achieved is to the end of the day. Even laptops have managed to get better at power management. Imagine, then, the shock of a phone that runs a few days, even a week? No longer will our lives be defined by hopping from outlet to outlet. Portable batteries will cease to be an essential purchase. What a beautiful dream.
2.VR headset and computer (that didn’t break the bank)

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Yes, VR is amazing. Yes, it probably will be the next big thing in gaming. No, I can’t afford to spend that much on a computer and headset. While Facebook has said that they are looking to make VR more affordable, it is still way out of the reach of many. So if a company came out tomorrow with a PC/VR combo less than S$500 and it was on par with the HTC Vive, we would go wild.

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Not quite what you think, but that would probably break the Internet. I’m referring to controlling a game. Aside from our brief flirtation with the Kinect, controllers have been more about refinement. The last significant innovation was the inclusion of accelerometers and gyroscopes. Now, imagine being able to control your gaming avatar with your mind directly? No more misclicks or slips, just complete direct control. We already have the technology for artificial limbs, so why has it not moved over to the digital side yet? Whoever brings this to market first will make more money than we could comprehend.
4.Neural linking

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Along the same lines, the next step in social media is the ability to liaise with people brain to brain directly. Now, this would seem like a bad idea. Unwanted pictures of the unsavoury kind would be even more unpleasant if it directly fills your mind. Furthermore, malware links could become directly harmful rather than bad for your computer. However, this is likely to be inevitable. After all, things being a bad idea hasn’t actually stopped the likes of Facebook before right? Let’s just hope we can get brain AdBlock plugins.
5.Smart eyes

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Google Glass was, depending on who you ask, either ahead of its time or too geeky to live. While the idea was great, the hefty price tag for such a dorky looking thing was too much for most people. However, since AR is on the way back, it’s time to re-visit the tech, but go smaller. I’m thinking either contacts or implants. Having a full HUD in your everyday life would be crazy. And I want it immediately.