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TaxACT 2011 Ultimate Bundle [Download] Reviews


TaxACT 2011 Ultimate Bundle [Download]

TaxACT 2011 Ultimate Bundle [Download]

  • Finds all credits & deductions for the biggest refund
  • Among the lowest priced State tax preparation solutions
  • Multiple import options save time & reduce errors
  • All the free help & support you need, when you need it
  • Powerful review tools ensure accuracy & tax savings

TaxACT Ultimate Bundle – Federal + State:  Bundle & Save

Includes TaxACT Deluxe & TaxACT State
Transfer key info from last year’s return, reducing time & error.
The perfect balance of ease and power!
1) Walks you through your taxes with 100% accuracy guarantee
2) Finds all deductions & credits for the biggest refund 
3) Get your refund fast with free federal e-file

All of the data you entered into your federal tax return automatically transfers to your state.  Simply start your federal return then complete your state return when prompted.

E-file your return for a fast refund. 
The Ultimate bundle includes one free federal e-file.  Electronically file your state return for only .95 (not applicable in NY) to get your refund fast!
Walks you through over 35 major life changes
Did something change in your life this year? TaxACT Life Events help determine the tax implications & show how to get the biggest incom


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  1. 5.0 out of 5 stars
    Why so unrecognized?, March 23, 2012
    Fanfare (Central New Jersey, USA) –

    This review is from: TaxACT 2011 Ultimate Bundle [Download] (Software Download)

    This review is for the desktop PC version; I don’t recommend the online Web-based filing.

    I’m really surprised TaxACT Deluxe is not the best-selling tax software. I guess they just don’t know how to market it properly. For the value received, the price is absurdly low. They basically give it away.

    Tax law is pretty complicated and gets worse every year. How can you know what to enter in certain lines of your tax form?

    TaxACT enforces the correct path by means of what they call the “Supporting Form”.

    Type in a value; TaxACT will take you to “Open the supporting form”.
    If you need more clarification, hit F2 and you will usually get some explanation.

    You can also use their Question and Answer walkthrough to complete your return.
    This is modeled on their Online E-Filing Web application, so there is some consistency there.
    I find this rather tedious and I just go with the Forms directly. If you’ve been filing taxes for 20 years or more then you know the difference between a Schedule A and a Schedule D and you should know when your return is complete.

    Novice tax filers may prefer the walk-through approach.

    Now, does it take a long time to complete my return? Yes, I find I spend a tremendous number of hours to complete my tax return every year. The majority of that is hassling with 1099B’s from several brokers. TaxACT now has added support to import stock transactions from a text file (or files), which is an essential feature for any active investor.

    This year, beside my own tax return, I had to prepare and file returns for my brother, my sister and her husband (filing separately), and my mother. TaxACT has it covered since you can e-file five times.

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  2. 5.0 out of 5 stars
    Love TaxACT, Dumped TurboTax, March 18, 2012
    davebrit (San Diego, CA) –

    This review is from: TaxACT 2011 Ultimate Bundle [Download] (Software Download)

    I was one of TurboTax’s original customers (#7000 or so) and have used it every year since it came out. This year I refused to pay $50 for TTAX Deluxe and went online to TaxACT, which worked just fine and read the TTAX file once it was easily converted to PDF by last year’s TTAX program. My cost for the federal plus e-file, using a downloaded program which stays on my computer, was ZERO. The state will be downloaded for $14.95 and filed through the mail (e-file is $7.95 for a state). As much as I love Amazon you might want to go direct to TaxACT’s website to do this, based on the other comment here. It worked exactly as advertised. Highly recommended; stick it to the man (or woman) at Intuit! About time they had some serious competition…..

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