Don’t worry, I’ve got plenty of time to step out of the way of that bullet.
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As I slowly transition from my early 30s to what is inarguably my mid-30s, there are moments when I explicitly notice that my reflexes aren’t what they used to be. As someone who enjoys twitchy, reflex-based action games as a hobby and a large part of his career, this is more than a bit concerning for me. Thank god, then, for a game like Superhot, which slows down the gameplay of a traditional first-person shooter in a way that requires nearly no reflexes of any kind.
The game spells out its own chief gimmick in big block letters almost as soon as you start: “Time Moves Only When You Move.” That’s not quite true—time actually crawls forward at a snail’s pace even if you stand perfectly still. For the most part, though, Superhot lets you get your bearings and think about how to deal with the stylized, often-armed red figures surrounding you before you have to commit to any one action.
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