In the context of a media report on the working conditions of migrant workers in labor supply companies, Samsung Electronics conducted an on-site investigation of these companies we work with in Malaysia and the migrant workers hired by these companies. Based on this investigation, we identified one of our labor supply companies to be in violation of the hiring process of migrant workers, and as consequence, we terminated our contract with this company. The remaining labor supply companies are under investigation.
To take action to prevent any similar issues, we are introducing our new Samsung Migrant Worker Guidelines with advice from the NGO, Business for Social Responsibility (BSR), effective as of today, December 12, 2016. We will be strictly applying and implementing these guidelines across our global operations as well as among our suppliers.
The intent of the guidelines is to eradicate any existing or potential of forced or coercive labor, slave labor or human trafficking of migrant workers either at Samsung or among any of our suppliers. As a member of the Electronics Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC), we developed these guidelines in accordance with the Electronic Industry Code of Conduct (EICC, v.5.1) standards to protect human rights. We also respect the fundamental human rights clearly defined in international human rights principles and standards including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development’s guidelines for multinational enterprises.
Stipulated in the guidelines, both Samsung and its suppliers are required to comply with all local labor laws, Samsung’s Code of Conduct, and Samsung Supplier Code of Conduct, and to eradicate activities that interfere with worker’s rights. Samsung will manage and supervise suppliers and labor supply companies through regular on-site due diligence, monitoring, and training.
As a committed member of the global community, Samsung will continue in its efforts to both respect and protect human rights. Samsung has recognized the seriousness of the migrant worker issue, and although perfect compliance within all our supply chains, including our suppliers, will require ongoing vigilance, we are committed to ensuring and protecting all migrant worker rights through actions like the guidelines we are announcing today.
Link to Guidelines