Home IT Hardware Assets Startup Relonch Wants to Edit and Pick Your Photos for You…

Startup Relonch Wants to Edit and Pick Your Photos for You…


Smartphone photographer has changed the way we think about cameras and photography. Cameras are now more connected with WiFi file transfers and they’ve become way more compact due to mirrorless technology. However, nothing dramatic has changed, until tech startup, Relonch came about. This startup wants you to spend $99/month on its cloud service and its camera.


Credits: Relonch

Relonch has showcased its leather-wrapped camera a few weeks ago, with the only parts non-encased being the viewfinder, the shutter, the power button and the lens. You’re not allowed to even meddle with the settings and as of the moment, you aren’t even allowed to review your photos you save.

If you think it’s strange, just wait a little longer, it gets stranger. The camera will send your shots via LTE to the cloud service Relonch has, and then the artificial intelligence in its cloud service will choose the best pictures and then do some post-processing for you. You will get your finished shots, the very next day.

Credits: Yahoo

Although pro photographers might laugh at this idea, amateurs like me who just point and shoot with their camera might consider it a pretty cool idea. After all, we just want Instagram-worthy photos without putting in the effort don’t we?

However, this approach does run contrary to the notion of instant gratification. You’ve got to wait for your picture-perfect shots now. Nevertheless, you save the time post-processing, wondering which filter will get you more likes on The Gram. Now,  you have a robot AI to do it for you.

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