Home Objective News Today Star Wars: Battlefront II to be revealed on April 15

Star Wars: Battlefront II to be revealed on April 15


Star Wars: Battlefront didn’t receive the critical acclaim many were hoping for but it still didn’t stop the game from selling in the tens of millions. Star Wars: Battlefront II aims to correct the missteps in the first game by introducing more diverse environments, different eras and a single-player campaign. The single-player campaign will probably be like Battlefield 1’s stories but it’s still better than nothing. Details about the game, as well as screenshots and possibly a trailer, will be revealed at the Star Wars Celebration next month on April 15.

Gamers found the title to be a superb multiplayer experience but disagreed with the price of the expansions and season pass. Hopefully EA will offer a fair amount of content to owners of the base game this time around. The lack of a single-player campaign complaint has already been addressed.



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