Home General Various News Socket 2066 (Core i9-7960X) Processor with 16 cores surfaces…

Socket 2066 (Core i9-7960X) Processor with 16 cores surfaces…


In the GeekBench ranking list a new 16-core processor with 32-threads has surfaced. The unit is tagged as Socket 2066 and thus is the recently announced (yet not available) Core i9-7960X. The results reveal a few interesting things.

The $1699 Core i9-7960X Skylake-E processor is identified as having 16 cores and 32 threads. The base clock frequency is 2.51 GHz, indicative for an engineering sample and perhaps with this many cores, it might even be the final base-clock. The chip has 1MB L2-cache per core and 22 MB of shared L3 cache in-between the cores as you can see in the screenshot.

The twp scores are as follows:

  • Single score results: 5238 points
  • Multi-threaded score: 33672 points

So when you compare a little back and forth with the ranking lists then that single threaded score brings the processor at the level of a i5-7600 perf wise, and the multi-threaded score actually brings it close to the 10-core Core i9 7900X. That processor obviously has a base clock of 3.3 GHz. With a little Turbo tweaking we do expect the final performance to be better though.

  Clock Turbo 2.0/3.0 Cores / threads L3-cache PCIe 3.0 Mem Channels TDP Price
Core i9 7980XE TBA TBA 18/36 TBA TBA Quad-channel DDR4-2666 TBA $1999
Core i9 7960X 2.5 GHz TBA 16/32 22MB TBA Quad-channel DDR4-2666 TBA $1699
Core i9 7940X TBA TBA 14/28 TBA TBA Quad-channel DDR4-2666 TBA $1399
Core i9 7920X TBA. TBA 12/24 TBA TBA Quad-channel DDR4-2666 TBA $1199
Core i9 7900X 3.3 GHz 4.3/4.5 GHz 10/20 13,75 MB 44 Quad-channel DDR4-2666 140 W $999
Core i7 7820X 3.6 GHz 4.3/4.5 GHz 8/16 11 MB 28 Quad-channel DDR4-2666 140 W $599
Core i7 7800X 3.5 GHz 4.0 GHz 6/12 8,25 MB 28 Quad-channel DDR4-2666 140 W $389
Core i7 7740X 4.3 GHz 4.5 GHz 4/8 8 MB 16 Dual-channel DDR4-2666 112 W $339
Core i5 7640X 4.0 GHz 4.2 GHz 4/4 6 MB 16 Dual-channel DDR4-2666 112 W $242


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