Home IT Hardware Assets Smartphone Shipments In India Q4, 2016: Chinese Brands Ga…

Smartphone Shipments In India Q4, 2016: Chinese Brands Ga…


Even without entering the international smartphone market Chinese brands sell millions of their products. Recently IHC Technology published the top 10 Chinese smartphone makers in 2016, and we know who the leaders are in this marathon. But what about the Indian market, the second market for Chinese brands? That’s not a secret Chinese smartphones are mainly priced low. This allows the manufacturers to offer their products in low-income markets like India. On the other hand, it’s very difficult to compete with top brands in global markets. So these companies have to realize their products in secondary markets. Well, the insights told above are not anything new, but the players’ roles have changed in the Indian market in 2016. So let’s take a glance at the data provided by CounterPoint Research.

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According to the research data, the Chinese brands have gained momentum and they occupy 46% of Indian smartphone market. It’s almost the half. But what’s more interesting Chinese brands enlarged their market share by 32%. This have been implemented due to decrease of Indian brands. Last year they had 54% of the Indian smartphone market, while this number is 20% for Q4, 2016. Thus Indian customers preferred Chinese brands instead of domestic brands. These changes are related with the names of 4 Chinese brands – Vivo, OPPO, Lenovo, and Xiaomi.

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As for the rest of the market, it is occupied by global brands like Samsung. But we know many Chinese brands are going to come in with a tough competition in the Indian market in 2017 as well. So there are all chances to grab more market share, and I guess it will happen at the expense of global and domestic smartphone makers’ life.


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