Home General Various News Samsung to share the cause of the Note 7 issues this month

Samsung to share the cause of the Note 7 issues this month


Samsung has had a rough 2016 with their Note 7 catching fire. Even after a recall with replacing batteries, they again ran into problems that to date have not been explained by them. 

Samsung halted sales and called back all note 7 smart-phones, this month however they will be sharing as to what was the root cause of the problem as they have identified the issue that caused the Note 7 devices to explode. Samsung has not shared the results of the investigation with the public yet but will do so by mid-January.

According to sources cited by the Korea Herald, Samsung has enlisted the help of US-based Underwriter Laboratories, a leading safety science company. A separate investigation is being run by the state-owned Korea Testing Laboratory. By finding the root cause and making that public they can make sure that it won’t make the same mistake again. The exact date as to when Samsung will announce the results of its investigation is currently not known.

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