Home IT Info News Today Samsung officially halts Note 7 sales as replacement units also …

Samsung officially halts Note 7 sales as replacement units also …


Following reports of more Galaxy Note 7s bursting into flames, Samsung today released a statement saying it has stopped sales of the smartphone and is no longer exchanging original Note 7s for ostensibly safe replacement units. This weekend, all major U.S. stopped providing the new Note 7 units and have offered to trade in customers’ units for other smartphones.

The statement also encourages owners of replacement Note 7s to power down their smartphones and request either full refunds or exchanges for the Galaxy S7 or S7 Edge. Moreover, Samsung reiterated its commitment to work with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission — the government body that issued an official recall for the first batch of Note 7s that were sold before September 15.

Samsung’s statement doesn’t mention the word “recall,” yet everything about the wording suggests a recall of replacement smartphones is now in effect. What’s more, the statement directs all Note 7 owners to a recall page.

Here’s Samsung’s statement via a Samsung spokesperson: 

We are working with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to investigate the recently reported cases involving the Galaxy Note 7. Because consumers’ safety remains our top priority, Samsung will ask all carrier and retail partners globally to stop sales and exchanges of the Galaxy Note 7 while the investigation is taking place.

We remain committed to working diligently with the CPSC, carriers, and our retail partners to take all necessary steps to resolve the situation. Consumers with an original Galaxy Note 7 or replacement Galaxy Note 7 should power down and take advantage of the remedies available, including a refund at their place of purchase. For more information, consumers should visit samsung.com/us/note7recall or contact 1-844-365-6197.

andrew zuis note7 Andrew Zuis

Andrew Zuis holds up his daughter’s replacement Note 7, which allegedly caught fire in Farmington, Minn.

It’s been a very rough week for Samsung’s mobile division. Going back to last Tuesday, as many as five replacement phones have caught on fire. Today, Samsung first issued a statement explaining it has “adjusted” its production schedule to take the necessary steps for ensuring quality control. Then, several hours later, the company issued the full statement quoted above.

It’s a horribly over-used cliche, but, yes, this does feel like deja vu all over again. In mid-September, responding to numerous reports of Note 7 smartphones spontaneously catching on fire, Samsung issued a full recall for the original batch of Note 7s. Now the company is effectively issuing a second recall for the ostensibly safe replacement smartphones. Not much has changed in the revised recall language, though now Samsung’s recall covers replacement smartphones in addition to original Note 7s.

So, if you own a Note 7, you can exchange it for either a Galaxy S7s or S7 Edge (and pocket the price difference between the Note 7 and smaller phones), or request a full money-back refund.

Getting yet another Note 7 is no longer a replacement option, and there’s no word yet on whether a third batch of Note 7s will be released. 

This story, “Samsung officially halts Note 7 sales as replacement units also catch fire” was originally published by


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