Home Technology News Today Samsung introduces ‘Beat The Street’ campaign to counter roa…

Samsung introduces ‘Beat The Street’ campaign to counter roa…


Road accidents are an everyday problem in many regions. But in the Netherlands, nearly 20% of all road accidents involve kids. In order to combat this menace and provide some education about road safety, Samsung has kicked off a campaign with the help of its new app called “Beat The Street”. This is a Gear VR app that demonstrates the intricacies of road safety and the rules that have to be followed before crossing a road on foot or on a vehicle. Using the Gear VR, kids get a firsthand experience of real world situations without any of the risks.

This is an excellent campaign by Samsung which will no doubt raise awareness among the populace about the importance of road safety. One can only hope that this campaign spreads across the world where road accidents are increasing in frequency. You can download the app (Dutch only) via Samsung’s dedicated page.

Samsung has offered some exciting Gear VR content for the users before, including the ability to watch NBA games every week. And it’s good to see that the company is doing something for a noble cause like road safety.

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