Home IT Info News Today Samsung Electronics Italy Presents Women Run The Show at the Ita…

Samsung Electronics Italy Presents Women Run The Show at the Ita…

Samsung Electronics Italy Presents Women Run The Show
Samsung Electronics Italy Presents Women Run The Show

Samsung Electronics Italy participates for the first time to the Italian Film & Art Festival, an annual event that has now reached its 8th edition, organized by Italcinema to present Italian latest films and culture to Korean people in order to promote the cultural exchange between the two countries. Italian Film & Art Festival will take place in Seoul from November 11th to November 14th at Monaco Space (Gangam) in Seoul.

During the Festival, Samsung Electronics representatives together with Maria Sole Tognazzi, a very famous Italian director, will introduce Women Run the Show, a new corporate citizenship initiative realised by Samsung in Italy in collaboration with Telefono Rosa, the Italian Women’s National Association, to help women who suffered violence to start over and be independent again.

More than 200 guests will attend the event, including the Italian Ambassador in South Korea, Marco Della Seta, and all the main representatives of Italian associations and companies, together with film-makers and cinema reviewers who will have the occasion not only to hear about the initiative directly from Samsung Italia but also to watch Women Run the Show commercial, a video advertisement directed by Maria Sole Tognazzi and a documentary to raise awareness about violence on women, phenomenon which is more and more common in Italy and all over the world.

DH Kim, VP Global Public Affairs and Corporate Citizenship at Samsung Electronics says: “We are honoured to be here today and to participate for the first time to such an important event for Seoul. Italian Film & Art Festival goal is to create a special bond among two different cultures and countries, Italy and Korea:  that’s exactly what Samsung wants to do in Italy. Since 1991, when Samsung arrived in our country, we have given a concrete contribution to improve Italians everyday life and to support the socio-economic  and cultural growth of Italy, through our corporate citizenship programs. Women Run The Show is just the latest of our initiative”.

Maria Sole Tognazzi, Director, says: “Taking part in Women Run The Show was one of the best experiences of my career as a director. I dedicated all myself to them so that they could feel free to express what they had in their mind and create. These ten women who have found the strength to say “Stop, that’s enough” have been helped by Telefono Rosa and, thanks to the support of Samsung, have been able to get not only a video but I hope a new life, I mean, a new journey”.

What is Women Run The Show

Women violence is a real and increasing issue: in Italy there are about 6 million women who suffered violence during their life, representing 31% of women aged between 16 and 70 years old. Samsung Electronics Italy, operating in the country from 25 years, and being present, through its devices, in millions of Italian houses has decide to actively co-operate with Telefono Rosa to bring the public opinion aware of this issue and do something concrete though the project Women Run The Show.

Women Run The Show is the new corporate social responsibility project created by Samsung Electronics in Italy in collaboration with Telefono Rosa, the main Italian non-profit association that helps women who suffered violence, supported by the Department of Equal Opportunities of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. The project consists of helping women, who were victim of domestic violence, to start over thanks to psychological support and job trainings that allowed them to get their independence again and start a brand new life.

Samsung and Telefono Rosa helped these women through a motivational and job training path, customised in all its phases according to women’s inclinations and attitude, with the aim of reinforcing their strength and confidence, together with a concrete support in all those practical activities (eg child care during class attendance, payment of the rent of the house and utilities) that a mother should be able to do besides her job.

A commercial directed by Maria Sole Tognazzi has been recorded with the first 10 ladies involved in the project in order to raise awareness on this serious phenomenon and to involve other companies that, through their support, can help many other women. In fact Samsung doesn’t want to be alone in this campaign and  wants to involve other companies and brand in this project: together with Telefono Rosa wants to involve other prestigious brands and companies with the goal to create a network to help many other women.

The first phase of this project has already seen the involvement of other companies (i.e. professional and skills trainings) such as: Accademia Nazionale dei Sartori, Eataly, Delia Beauty, Novomatic, Link HR professional solutions. More company will join the project more opportunities will be created for women with difficulties.

A documentary has also been realised to explain the project and to know the first ten women that felt ready to have a fresh start.

Programme of the Italian Film & Art Festival


For more information about Women Run The Show please visit:


About Telefono Rosa (Women’s National Association)

Women’s National Association named “Telefono Rosa” Onlus was born in 1988 to make a research to bring out, through the direct voice of women, violence “submerged”. As of today, more than 700,000 women have contacted Telefono Rosa to receive help. Telefono Rosa provides these women with listening and reception, free legal advice and assistance, psychological counselling, support for parenthood, training and updating courses.  Since 2012 the association has promoted the Anti-Stalking free toll number (1522) to help women who suffer repeated harassing behavior such as stalking, threats, continuous phone calls, unwanted text messages, letters and unsolicited messages, verbal abuse, damages to their property.

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