Home General Various News Samsung 850 Pro 4 TB Delayed Due to NAND Shortage

Samsung 850 Pro 4 TB Delayed Due to NAND Shortage


Currently there is a Flash NAND shortage due to the high and popular demand and usage for both smart-phones and SSDs. This will effect two things, prices and some units of the lesser sold units will be delayed. The 4 Terabyte model of the Samsung 850 Pro is to be delayed, a new release date was not mentioned.

The news was shared by Allison+Partners, a press agency for Samsung in Noth-America who wrote the following snippet:

“As a result of the worldwide NAND shortage, Samsung is focused on allocating NAND to products where we see the greatest demand. We will let you know when further updates on the 850 PRO 4TB are available.”

Due to the world-wide shortage Samsung decided to use the available 3-bit per cell V-NAND flash for products with the biggest demand. That choice obviously makes a lot of sense. Currently it is unknown how long the NAND shortage is going to last. The shortage does trigger another side-effect that might again impact the PC industry as some DRAM manufacturers are now switching towards NAND production as the demand is higher and thus more money is to be made in that segment. Once that happens the shortage might clear up. However then a DRAM shortage for 2017 might become a fact. 

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