Home IT Info News Today Revolution K12 Launches New Geometry Program to Provide the Data Teachers Need...

Revolution K12 Launches New Geometry Program to Provide the Data Teachers Need to Significantly Improve Student…


Mentor Sessions, diagnostic assessments and up-to-date testing formats help teachers understand and target students’ weak areas

Santa Monica, CA – November 21, 2011 – Revolution K12, a rapidly-growing web-based adaptive software division of Revolution Prep, has released its new Geometry program which diagnoses students’ issues with geometry topics in order to provide educators with detailed reports on student skill acquisition and deficiencies. Because the system goes from standardized questions tied to standards, to diagnostic questions, to tutorials on specific skills if students continue to answer questions incorrectly, it helps target instruction on specific concepts in order to help all students reach success.

Each of the 28 geometry topic areas begins by having students review a handful of Prior Knowledge Concept lessons, giving them a chance to solidfy their understanding of the geometrical concepts they should have learned in previous grades. Then, to ensure a deeper understanding of each topic, students are presented with a series of Mentor Sessions where they are asked questions pertaining to the core concepts in the topic area. If answered correctly, a new, more difficult question is presented. If answered incorrectly, students receive a series of diagnostic questions that break down the problem-solving process of that concept into manageable parts.

If at any time a diagnostic question is answered incorrectly, students are presented with a tutorial to help them understand that concept. Students who need support in Spanish can click on a translation button to receive the tutorial in Spanish. Test items vary in format from multiple choice, true/false, constructed response, matching and interactive shape drawing in order to better reflect modern testing formats. A final Mentor Session in each topic is a real-world application to build context and help retention.

To help improve teacher effectiveness, real-time reports help teachers pinpoint the areas where students are struggling, thus allowing them to customize instruction for those specific individuals. In addition, teachers and administrators can track students’ academic progress within the program against standards which helps gauge students’ preparation for taking a standardized geometry test. “Access to detailed student data on demand is critical in providing differentiated instruction,” said Revolution K12 co-founder Ramit Varma. “We have broken down 28 key geometry topics into finite skill areas in order to help educators better understand what students do and don’t know. This allows teachers to focus their instruction on the areas where students need it most in order to move them to higher-level math.”

The program uses simple yet powerful gaming mechanics to help students gauge their progress and performance against other students using the program. It also provides teachers with more than 100 printable PDF homework activities that are leveled for Below Basic, Basic or Advanced students to be assigned as necessary.

“In an increasingly digital climate, it is important to provide students with learning opportunities that extend beyond the classroom. By providing students with on-demand diagnostic assessments and tutorials that can be accessed anywhere at any time, we hope to make students more accountable for their own learning, while helping teachers provide the instruction that meets individual needs. By combining these ideals, we hope to not only bring students close to meeting the academic standard, we want them all to exceed it,” said Jake Neuberg, co-founder of Revolution K12.

To learn more about Revolution K12’s Geometry program, go to revolutionk12.com/products/math-solutions/geometry or call (877) 463-8951.

About Revolution Prep
Revolution Prep is an educational software and services provider that, since 2002, has helped more than 100,000 students improve academic skills and score higher on the SAT, ACT, GMAT and other high-stakes exams. The company’s rapidly-growing web-based adaptive software division, Revolution K12, helps students prepare for entrance into college by improving Mathematics and English Language Arts skills. Revolution K12 software is used by several of the nation’s largest school districts with documented success in boosting student achievement. From world-class test prep to online and in-person academic tutoring to software enabling educators to provide differentiated instruction, Revolution Prep is committed to its mission of transforming education by leveraging technology. For more information, visit revolutionprep.com and revolutionk12.com.

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