Home Technology News Today Results: how much do you customize your ringtones and notifi…

Results: how much do you customize your ringtones and notifi…


There are two kinds of people out there — those who change their default ringtones and those who don’t. The latter group is doomed to forever check their phone whenever they hear another one ring nearby — they can never know if it was theirs that made the sound or someone else’s. The former, on the other hand, is also split up — some are casual customizers, others change their notification sounds so much that they sometimes forget to react when their phone rings.

So, we thought we’d ask you — what do you do when you get a new smartphone? Do you customize your tones and if so — do you pick from the stock gallery or are you quick to cut up your favorite songs and transfer them to the handset? Here’s how the poll votes tallied up:


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How much do you tinker with your ringtones?
I just leave them on default. I might change them in the future, but who knows
15.58% (103 votes)
(103 votes)
I will browse through the stock ringtones to pick a different one, but I mostly leave notifications as they are
16.19% (107 votes)
(107 votes)
I change both my ringtone and notifications, usually with sounds from the stock library
28.29% (187 votes)
(187 votes)
I make my own ringtones and / or notification sounds!
39.94% (264 votes)
(264 votes)

661 votes

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