Comment on Quicken WillMaker Plus 2012 by D. Reinstein “marindavid”.

Save yourself a bundle: As good as what an attorney will do.,

Some years ago, my wife and I have a volume of “Testamentary Documents” drawn up by an estate planning attorney. For the “special friend reduced rate of nearly $2000., he produced a set of documents that are exactly parallel to the ones we could create ourselves by using this software. We rewrote everything, updated what needed changes, and eliminated any reference to that attorney from our estate documents. $49, is a lot less the $2000.!
This software is comprehensive. It includes everything needed – including the Living Trust – something that is imperative if you want your inheritees to be able to avoid going through the anguish (and expense) or Probate.
Yes, it takes time. I did it in a series of five sessions with our financial information in front of me for reference as well as older and now obsolete versions of these documents. It compares rather favorably to the time we spent organizing our data and then actually sitting with the attorney.
Nolo has produced a broad range of “do-it’yourself’ legal documents. This package is, I think, among the clearest, most user friendly (the built in guides and tips are extremely helpful and easy to understand). Moreover, it is something that most people actually need at some point.
It is never too early to prepare these things and editing/changing them in the future is pretty straight forward. Why pay an attorney exorbitant fees for doing something that anyone who can follow directions can do for themselves? THe more complicated the estate, the longer it will take and, to be sure, some people’s situations may require porofessional assistance. The small percentage of people who need that should certainly get it.
For most of us, this Nolo software is exactly what the doctor ordered… and what the estate planning attorneys hope you never discover.
Buying this is a very smart $40. investment.