Home General Various News Purchase Radeon RX 480 and Get battlefield 1 upgraded to Del…

Purchase Radeon RX 480 and Get battlefield 1 upgraded to Del…


If you are planning a graphics card upgrade soon, have a preference for AMD and the intent to play Battlefield 1, you might want to keep an eye on the following.

As it seems, AMD plans to offer an upgrade to the Deluxe edition of Battlefield 1 with the purchase of a Radeon RX 480. So you’ll still need to purchase the game, however get upgraded to the Early Enlister Deluxe Edition. That means you can get to play Battlefield 1 a few days ahead of the launch on October the 21st. Basically in the Origin store you purchase this edition, and on checkout en ter the “promotion code”. Then the final price is that of the Standard Edition.

Read the fine details here at AMD.

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