Home PC Shop Catalogue Digital SLR Cameras & Lenses Polaroid HD Slide Duplicator With Macro Lens Capabilty For SLR Cameras

Polaroid HD Slide Duplicator With Macro Lens Capabilty For SLR Cameras


  • High Definition Slide Copying
  • Copies 35mm Slides In Minutes
  • Doubles As A Macro Lens For Your Camera
  • Works With Film And Digital SLR Cameras
  • Very Easy To Attach And Use With Any 58mm or 52mm Threaded Lenses

With Polaroid, you now have the opportunity to preserve your old slide collection on your computer in digital form both quickly and inexpensively. Digital files can be created for both still cameras and camcorders. With this slide duplicator, you will be turning color slides into digital pictures in minutes. It also is a dual-purpose camera accessory. The lens and the extension tube can be used independently of the slide duplicator giving you the ability to take extreme close-up pictures. Although the duplicator is provided with a 52mm lens and 58/52 step down ring, additional lens diameters can fit as well by attaching wither a step up or down adapter ring (not included)

List Price: $ 34.99

Price: [wpramaprice asin=”B005MRXQ7K”]

– Slr Lenses


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