Home Technology News Today Pokemon trading and Player vs. Player battles coming to Poke…

Pokemon trading and Player vs. Player battles coming to Poke…


Pokemon Go will soon be updated to include two eagerly awaited new features. Limited trading will soon be made available to Pokemon trainers, and Player vs. Player battles will also become part of the game. The founder and CEO of game developer Niantic, John Hanke, says that both features would have been part of the original launch of the game if not for issues with the server that popped up right around that time.

Hanke says that the two new features will be sent out in OTA updates on a staggered basis. The good news is that the updates will be starting soon, according to the executive. With the trading capability, a trainer will be able to fill the holes in his Pokedex by swapping pocket monsters. How this will work is not clear at this time. Nor are the rules known yet for Player vs. Player battling. Will the victorious trainer be allowed to attempt the capture of a defeated and weakened Pokemon that was just pummeled in battle? These rules will have to be disseminated once the new features are added to the game.

As far as Pokemon Go players and Niantic are both concerned, the trading and fighting can’t be added to Pokemon Go soon enough. That’s because the trainers are looking for the new features to make the game as fun as it was when it originally launched. And for Niantic, the developer hopes that the new features staunch the bleeding and bring back a large number of Pokemon Go players who got tired of the game and just quit playing.

We wouldn’t be surprised to see Pokemon Go grab a second wind once these two features get the green light. Hanke says that some of the upcoming new features will launch in abbreviated form with complete versions coming in the future. That might not sound like good news for those hoping for full Player vs. Player battles and no holds barred trading, but until we see what Niantic is going to push out, there is no sense in guessing what the new features will have and not have.

source: Waypoint

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