Home Technology News Today ownCloud Desktop Client 2.2.4 Released with Updated Dolphin …

ownCloud Desktop Client 2.2.4 Released with Updated Dolphin …


ownCloud is still alive and kicking, and they’ve recently released a new maintenance update of the ownCloud Desktop Client, version 2.2.4, bringing some much-needed improvements and patching various annoying issues.

ownCloud Desktop Client 2.2.4 is now the most advanced stable release of the open-source, free, and cross-platform software that acts as a graphical user interface for users to interact with an ownCloud server. The application is now available for all supported platforms, including GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows.

It’s not a major update or anything, but it’s important enough for you to install it on your computer and update any of the existing versions, because it improves the Dolphin plugin for GNU/Linux users running the KDE Plasma desktop environment to use the Application name for a socket path.

The SyncEngine got some improvements as well, now allowing users to rename folders when files are still syncing. Moreover, the thread priority for the Discovery component has been set to low now, and it looks like a HTTP request loop issue with the selective sysc has been resolved, along with a show error in view.

Users are recommended to update as soon as possible

Last but not least, ownCloud Desktop Client 2.2.4 is here to ensure that the password line edit is enabled for the ShareLink feature, as well as to accurately handle errors in the status.php request of the ConnectionValidator component. An issue where the folder casing was not the same in the file system and the settings has been fixed.

Download ownCloud Desktop Client 2.2.4 for GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, and Microsoft Windows operating systems right now via our website. This is a recommended version for anyone using ownCloud Desktop Client 2.2.3 or a previous release. Both binary and source packages are available for download, so please update your installation as soon as possible.

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