Home Technology News Today Ouch: Sonos Alarms Go Off Unexpectedly and They Can’t Be Sto…

Ouch: Sonos Alarms Go Off Unexpectedly and They Can’t Be Sto…


​Do you know that feeling when you have a day off, but you forget to disable your recurring alarm and you still wake up at 7 AM even though you were planning to sleep till 10? That’s what happened to many Sonos owners today, although it wasn’t their fault they woke up early.

A bug caused Sonos alarms to go off a day early and what’s worse, made it impossible to stop the music, which you can imagine how frustrating it can be when you wake up all of a sudden without having a clue about what is happening.

It appears that Sonos owners discovered that their devices launched the Saturday alarms on Friday and stopping them only worked for like 5 seconds before the alarms kick in once again.

The Sonos staff has already confirmed the glitch on the official community forums, and the original post already recorded more than 9,000 views, and it’s no wonder given so many people woke up early.

Disable your Saturday alarms

Max P., who is believed to be a Sonos engineer, explained that disabling (and possibly removing alarms altogether) is the way to go at this point to cope with the bug.

“As of this morning, there is currently an issue with Sonos alarms unable to be turned off. We’re working on getting this resolved, but for now, any alarm scheduled to include Saturday the 31st will start playing immediately and cannot be stopped unless disabled again,” the post reads.

“In the meantime, if you have an alarm set for tomorrow that is going off and can’t be stopped, you’ll want to go into your Sonos controller and select Alarms. Then, disable any alarms scheduled daily or including Saturday. If disabling the alarms doesn’t do it, deleting the alarm will.”

It looks like the Sonos team is already working on a fix, but there’s still no information as to when it could be released. In the meantime, however, you better use a smartphone for waking you up.

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