Home IT Info News Today Oracle cuts management, messaging specs in Java EE 8

Oracle cuts management, messaging specs in Java EE 8


Oracle is making good on plans to cut management and messaging improvements from the next version of enterprise Java.

The company is axing Management 2.0 and Java Message Service (JMS) 2.1 from the Java EE 8 road map. Also, Oracle is investigating a possible transfer of the MVC functionality planned EE 8 to another community member or organization.

“These changes are consistent with the revised Java EE road map presented at the JavaOne 2016 conference in September, in which Oracle proposed to remove these JSRs from Java EE 8,” Oracle’s David Delabassee noted.

In ranking priorities for Java EE 8, these three technologies were at or near the bottom in a community survey, Delabassee said. Specific Java Specification Requests affected include JSR 368, for JMS 2.1; JSR 371, for MVC 1.0, and JSR 373, for Management API 1.0.

JMS 2.1 had been slated to feature flexible message-driven beans (MDB) support, but at the JavaOne conference in September, Java EE 8 specification lead Linda DeMichiel said that while flexible MDBs would be a nice addition, Oracle would rather look at newer forms of eventing and messaging. Instead, she cited a proposed rollback to the existing JMS 2.0 in EE 8.

In September, Oracle proposed stopping work on the Management 2.0 JSR, noting it had not made any progress and that existing management APIs were not being used much. Similarly, the company wants to stop working on the MVC JSR, which would provide an action-based MVC framework, because it’s less relevant in a cloud environment.

Initially set to arrive in the first half of next year, Java EE 8 now is expected in the second half of 2017 instead. It’s presently in an early draft stage, and a final draft is anticipated in the third quarter of next year. Earlier this year, Oracle came under fire for supposed neglect of enterprise Java, but this summer, the company aid out lplans to retool EE for the cloud and microservices, later mapping out intentions for both EE 8 and the follow-up EE 9 release.

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