Home Technology News Today Once again, mankind learns that taking a selfie with a dange…

Once again, mankind learns that taking a selfie with a dange…


You might recall that in the space of just about one month in Late July and late August in 2015, two separate individuals attempted to shoot selfies with a rattlesnake. You can pretty much guess what happened. In both cases, the snake bit the photographer resulting in life threatening injuries and costly hospital stays.

The latest case of Animal Kingdom gone wild took place at Thailand’s Khao Yai National Park. That is where a 41-year old woman visiting from France, decided to take a selfie with a crocodile. Both the woman and her husband squatted down to take the selfie with the “enormous female” crocodile, when all of a sudden the reptile took a chunk out of the woman’s thigh while the picture was being taken.

The victim was rushed to an area hospital where her condition is unknown. And so once again, we are left with a situation that should serve as a strong warning to you. Yes, selfies are so easy to take and improved optics and other tools allow you to post and share spectacular looking self portraits. And certainly, there should be no problem taking such a photograph with your pet. But when looking to snap a selfie with a dangerous animal (and a crocodile definitely qualifies as such), use some common sense. We would hate to hear that one of our readers lost his or her life over a selfie. After all, we want you to read our stories, not be the subject of them.

By the way, there is nothing wrong with your hearing. The video at the top of this story is not in English, but it does provide some additional photos of the Crocodile.

source: Mirror via NYPost

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