Home Objective News Today Office Mobile apps updated for Office Insider Slow users on Windows…

Office Mobile apps updated for Office Insider Slow users on Windows…



Microsoft has released a new update for its Office Mobile apps on Windows 10 to those on the Office Insider program. The latest update is available to Office Insider Slow Ring users, which brings a number of features to Word Mobile, Excel Mobile, PowerPoint Mobile and OneNote. More specifically, the latest update brings the ability to open files that contain ActiveX controls on Excel Mobile. The update also brings the ability to export Word documents as PDF files in Word Mobile, which could be a very useful feature for some users. Along with these new features, the update also brings some other new features which are listed below:

  • Open more file types in Excel Mobile – Open files that contain ActiveX controls or files containing text and web queries on your Windows 10 tablet or phone.
  • Export to PDF with Word Mobile – Save your document in a widely sharable format that preserves layout, formatting, fonts and images.
  • New text highlighter in OneNote for Windows tablet – Grab the new highlighter and select text that’s important to draw attention to.
  • New clear formatting option in OneNote – Now you can remove all that is bold, italicized, underlined, purple or in 18 points. Lucida Sans formatting is just one click away.
  • Embed more content with OneNote – Paste a link to an Office 365 Video or Microsoft Form, now interact with it directly on the page.
  • Share photos or files from other apps in OneNote – Use the Share button in any app to send photos or files to your OneNote.
  • Add alternative text to pictures in OneNote – Make your pictures accessible to screen readers by adding alternative text.
  • Try out new designs in OneNote on Widows tablet – We’ve made some changes to help you get around your notes. Check them out by turning on “Settings > Enable Experimental Features” and let us know what you think!

If you are an Office Insider, you can get the latest update for the Office Mobile apps from the links below:

Word Mobile


Price: Free
Excel Mobile


Price: Free
PowerPoint Mobile


Price: Free


Price: Free



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