Home IT Hardware Assets NVIDIA Releases the GeForce 376.33 WHQL Drivers

NVIDIA Releases the GeForce 376.33 WHQL Drivers


NVIDIA today released the GeForce 376.33 WHQL drivers. These drivers come with a number of bug-fixes covering the previous GeForce 376.19 drivers, particularly with its Oculus Touch VR game title-specific optimizations. According to the release notes, these drivers seem to disable SLI support for “Titanfall 2,” probably because it’s too unstable at the moment. Grab the drivers from the links below.

DOWNLOAD: NVIDIA GeForce 376.33 WHQL for Windows 10 64-bit | Windows 10 32-bit | Windows 8/7/Vista 64-bit | Windows 8/7/Vista 32-bit

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