Home IT Hardware Assets NVIDIA GeForce 373.06 WHQL Game Ready drivers released

NVIDIA GeForce 373.06 WHQL Game Ready drivers released


After AMD, NVIDIA too has rolled out the latest GeForce 373.06 WHQL Game Ready drivers for three new major releases – Gears of War 4, Mafia III, and Shadow Warrior 2. In addition to optimizations for these games, the driver release also adds SLI profile for Iron Storm and re-enables the SLI profile for Battlefield 1. New 3D Vision profiles for Ashes of Singularity (excellent), Gears of War 4 (fair), Mafia III (not recommended), and Shadow Warrior 2  (not recommended). The major issues fixed with 373.06 are as follows:

Windows 10 Fixed Issues

  • Improved the framerate consistency of the R370 drivers in VR games and applications.
  • FPS limiter broken in R370 drivers in windowed mode with high FPS.
  • Corruption in Overwatch decals.

Windows 8.1/Windows 8/Windows 7 Fixed Issues

  • [GeForce GT 720/GT705] Changed color setting not maintained after system shutdown and resume.

The following are the open issues associated with the GeForce 373.06 WHQL release in Windows 10:

  • [SLI] Gears of War 4 shows lower results when SLI is enabled.
  • [GeForce GTX 1070][Alienware Graphics Amplifier] The graphics card is not detected upon installing the driver.
  • Driver overinstall requires a reboot.
  • [367.77, WDDM 2.1] Driver install/overinstall requires reboot.
  • [SLI, GP104] Installer prompts for reboot during express overinstall of 372.69 driver on 372.54.
  • [SLI, GeForce GTX TITAN] Mirror’s Edge Catalyst flickers for a few seconds after Alt+F2 is used to open the Ansel UI.
  • [SLI, GeForce GTX TITAN] The Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Intensity slider is set to 100 after Alt+Tab.
  • [SLI, GeForce GTX TITAN] Mirror’s Edge Catalyst severe stutter is observed when the mouse is moved around with Ansel UI open.
  • [SLI, GeForce GTX 980M] Mirror’s Edge Catalyst flickers on Ansel UI when image moved with mouse pointer.
  • [SLI, No Man’s Sky] Huge performance drop after interaction with starships if SLI is enabled.
  • Assassins Creed – Syndicate shows intermittent flickering black or white patches on game character faces.
  • Surround Display icon disappears after rotate mode set to portrait.
  • [SLI] Street Fighter V performance drop (pause and play) observed when the game is played at 4K resolution with SLI enabled.
  • [SLI] Blank display is observed on disabling SLI with two displays connected.
  • [Luxmark 3.0] Display driver stopped responding while running benchmark LuxBall HDR (Simple Benchmark:217K triangles.
  • [347.09, GM204] Blank screen observed on an ASUS Tiled display when system resumes from shutdown or hibernation with Fast boot option enabled from BIOS.

Download: GeForce 373.06 WHQL

Source: NVIDIA

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