Home IT Hardware Assets Xiaomi Smart Air Quality Monitor PM2….

[Must Have Product] Xiaomi Smart Air Quality Monitor PM2….


The pollution is something that worries us all or at least should do it, it is nothing new, that also nowadays we have tools to try to alleviate as much as possible its negative effects, we are not surprised either, and that Xiaomi within the range MiJia has different devices to know the quality of the air and clean it, and should be familiar.

If you are one of those who still does not know what the hell I am talking about, continue reading this article to get up to date, that today it’s time to analyze the PM2.5 particle meter from Xiaomi.

What are PM2.5?

Suspended particles of less than 2.5 microns (PM2.5) are the best indicator of air pollution, especially in cities where these particles are expelled in large quantities by the exhaust pipes of diesel vehicles.

In addition, we must know that due to the anthropogenic origin of these particles, coupled with the ease they have to penetrate our airways, the effects on health are very serious.

Having said that, we have several ways to achieve a better respiratory health index, the simplest one, to flee to the countryside and away from large urban centers, but this is not always possible.

The second way is to clean the air we breathe as much as possible, so we can use the air purifiers that Xiaomi sells.

Xiaomi Smart Air Quality Monitor PM2.5 Detector

But then what is the use of the Xiaomi meter?

We already know that we have purifiers to clean the air, and one of them, the PRO version of which I already told you in this other article, has a screen that informs us in real time about the quality of the air in our home.

However, the standard version does not have such a screen and what is even worse, we can not create intelligent scenes using the PM2.5 particular detector that it incorporates, for that we must use this meter that we are seeing today.

The unit itself is very compact, is a small square of 6.3 inches on each side and 3.4 in width that has a small OLED screen on its front where it will show us the information related to air quality.

Xiaomi Smart Air Quality Monitor PM2.5 Detector

We can also display the time and date, but in this sense, it will not be worth much given that the time has the time difference we have with China and in terms of the date, it appears with the Anglo-Saxon format (month, day) and with the texts in Chinese.

To change between one screen and another we just have to press the only button that it has in the upper part, which also acts as an on/off button.

In the back, we have the typical hole to restart our device and the micro USB port that serves us both to charge the internal battery of 750 mAh that carries inside as to maintain our Smart Air Quality Monitor with the screen on.

Xiaomi Smart Air Quality Monitor PM2.5 Detector

If the device is not connected, after about 30 minutes of having the screen turned on, it will turn off, but only the screen, the measurements will continue to be collected and we can view them through the Mi Home app.

As I said at the beginning, one of its great strengths, if not the only one, is the possibility of creating intelligent scenes through which we will be able to activate or deactivate our air purifier according to the amount of PM2.5 particles found in the air.

The prefixed points are 35, 75, 115, 150 and 250 ?g / m3 of which we always have two options, these being “less than” or “greater than” appearing in that order.

Xiaomi Smart Air Quality Monitor PM2.5 Detector

In this way, we can create an intelligent scene through which our purifier is turned on when the Smart Air Quality Monitor detects PM2.5 particles above 35 ?g / m3 and deactivates when the level is lower than this value.

Price and Availability

This cheap little and very useful gadget is available on gearbest at a price of $66.78, this is a limited period offer so we suggest you to immediately buy one for yourself using our link and coupon code below.


Xiaomi Smart Air Quality Monitor PM2.5 Detector

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